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  1. Ollz San

    Official Upcoming Concerts/Gigs Thread

    indeed. not much difference than the last time they came here. but heck, I love them too much to give a fuvk.
  2. Ollz San

    Official Upcoming Concerts/Gigs Thread

    Belle and Sebastian at Enmore June 13th!
  3. Ollz San

    2006 poets!

    I did EE2 last year. where's all the '06 poets???
  4. Ollz San

    Piercings and Tattoos

    Re: Piercings and Tats can I check them out too?
  5. Ollz San

    Hotel Babylon

    I seriously thought I'd hate it. but, damnit, I love it great show
  6. Ollz San

    the L word

    well...jb hifi sells season 1... not too familiar with newtown so can't really help you there. try "the bookshop" on Oxford st
  7. Ollz San

    the L word

    :( can't exactly remember any episodes. check the afterellen recaps and d/l the one you find interesting. actually, download the first episode.
  8. Ollz San

    the L word

    yeah, I love recap as well. hilarious :( I always delete the episodes I've watched to save disk space. :(
  9. Ollz San

    lesbian/gay view on bisexuals

    It's an idealistic view. and I totally agree with it. It's just that for some people, belonging to a certain group/label give them a sense of security or just the feeling of knowing who you are and who you identify with.
  10. Ollz San

    the L word

    which recap do you read?
  11. Ollz San

    the L word

    yep. well, my sister downloaded it for me.
  12. Ollz San

    the L word

    watched season 1, 2 and 3. season 3 is the saddest. really really sad. only alice and helena made it watchable.
  13. Ollz San

    lesbian/gay view on bisexuals

    I think most views on bisexuals are influenced by the media. Most are portrayed as someone who's not willing to be in a monogamous relationship and that they always end up with men anyway. Most lesbians are probably wary of that. I mean, everyone knows Angelina Jolie is bi and she's never...
  14. Ollz San

    macq student council

    of course there is! and it's called Queer Space. and we're very nice and friendly people. we won't jump you or anything. unless you ask. we have a documentary screening on 5th April (this wednesday) QueerSpace. 6 pm. Food and drinks will be provided. [/ends advertisement]
  15. Ollz San


    I agree.
  16. Ollz San

    The L Word Season 2

    yes, tina! biotch!! I don't think it will start soon. might have to wait for a year.
  17. Ollz San

    Piercings and Tattoos

    Re: Piercings and Tats What it looks like whe she's not wearing the ribbon Surface barbells, slave balls and rings on one side and disks on the other. It has a chance of rejecting of course but this is done by Peter of Piercing Urge and his intention (and his customer) is to try to make it...
  18. Ollz San

    Piercings and Tattoos

    Re: Piercings and Tats mmm_sofay: you're getting the permanent corset?
  19. Ollz San


    too many of them are around these days.
  20. Ollz San

    Piercings and Tattoos

    Re: Piercings and Tats Just got my ears stretched a week ago. left ear: 2 ga right ear: 0 ga