Search results

  1. Ollz San

    Gay marriage in NSW/Australia

    Re: should gays be allowed to marry in NSW I've always been annoyed with such comment as well. "I don't care as long as they don't display affection in public" "I don't care as long as he doesn't hit on me" Am I then allowed to say, I don't care if he's straight as long as he doesn't hit...
  2. Ollz San

    Ever feel like you're the only gay person at school?

    I did feel lonely when I was in highschool..... can't help but feel you're the only one.
  3. Ollz San

    The L Word Season 2

    lmfao. it was so funny when alice turned up and saw shane all whitish and stuff. :D "I love birds"
  4. Ollz San

    I had a BOS encounter!

    damn, I'd love to go to the screening. what did they show last week? I have a queerspace meeting tomorrow though.
  5. Ollz San

    Gay marriage in NSW/Australia

    Re: should gays be allowed to marry in NSW my answer to the question: yes, they should be allowed to marry Some of you already expressed my views on this so...
  6. Ollz San

    The L Word Season 2

    yeah, max should've been played by someone better. lol, have you watched the episode with the fire extinguisher? that's hilarious.
  7. Ollz San

    I had a BOS encounter!

    I've been inside once. and it just put me off...
  8. Ollz San

    The L Word Season 2

    really? you think so? I actually think Carmen's alright in S3. You know who's a bitch? Moira/Max is
  9. Ollz San

    I had a BOS encounter!

    I hate the library. pick an easier place :)
  10. Ollz San

    The L Word Season 2

    Channel 7 sucks. this show should've been picked up by SBS, like QAF. anyway, love the hotness that is Carmen. Her hair in this season is weird tho. gets better in season 3. and helena. gotta love that woman and her accent
  11. Ollz San

    "Mum, dad... I am gay"

    I think I've said this before. Everyone, every parents assume their kids are straight. until they're being told that is. you don't have to go to your parents and say "I'm straight" because your parents already know you're straight. my parents, just like any other parents, assumed I was...
  12. Ollz San

    Getting to know you

    Re: Getting to know you (Club Mac 'only') really? some of them are quite annoying
  13. Ollz San

    I had a BOS encounter!

    I think I'll be at the bar on wednesday noon. will confirm.
  14. Ollz San

    Getting to know you

    Re: Getting to know you (Club Mac 'only') B a S i c . I n F o [Name] Olivia [Age] 19 [Education n course] SIBT - Mass Communication [Sign] Libra [Birthday] 08 October [Hair Color] black [Eye Color] dark brown [Hair Style] short Ethnic Background: Chinese Indonesian Religion: N/A...
  15. Ollz San

    I had a BOS encounter!

    hmm, interesting. The stalker spirit in me has come out. I'm an SIBT student however. *shames* and pretty much a loner. since no one at SIBT would go to the bar with me. anyone for pool and a drink? I'd be the girl wearing a necklace with a rainbow pendant (so ghey). wearing either...
  16. Ollz San

    House M.D.

    or maybe just to attract the lesbians viewers
  17. Ollz San

    House M.D.

    cameron is so adorable :)
  18. Ollz San


    as they say: you're straight until you're gay
  19. Ollz San

    Favourite Animes

    you mean the anime? The DVDs can be found at JB HiFi
  20. Ollz San


    lol. ah, that's funny. I'm a lesbian. the key difference between straight girls and lesbians is that one I assume I don't have a chance with (another lesbian) and the other I KNOW I don't have a chance with (well, 99% no chance with a straight girl). So really, we're not that different.