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  1. U

    2U HSC required 3U skills

    I hope it gets scaled.!!!!!!! We need some scaling. And there are some geniuses on this forum who think the exam was so easy. Putting us down.
  2. U

    2U HSC required 3U skills

    I am hoping is gets scaled decently. That exam sucked big time. It did not have a lot of opportunities for the weaker 2 unit students to gain marks. Maybe the board of studies decided to make the 2 /3 unit exams difficult.
  3. U

    2U HSC required 3U skills

    You make sense. Iam serious, i thought i was gonna kill the hsc. But i went down in those weird
  4. U

    2U HSC required 3U skills

    note the guy in yr 8 did the 2U and 2day did the 3U hsc.
  5. U

    2U HSC required 3U skills

    i am serious man, pple were crying in my center, q 10 was scary and if u make one dumb mistake u hav wrecked ur whole final mark. A lot of geniuses think dat in my school, my friend in yr 8 said the exam was dumb and stupid and deserves some decent scaling, so don't worry.
  6. U

    2U HSC required 3U skills

    Firstly the maximum and minimum question in no. 9 was similar to a question in 3U Cambridge year 12, which my friend who does 4U and 3U showed to me. Also the applications of calculus question about the birds was based on the 3U exercise P= N+Ae-kt. The time payments required too extensive...