what's the answer??
would the least corrosion occur in the plastic box?? does the fact that aluminium is passivating have anything to do with corrosion on the hooks?
is the aluminium box the best choice because its more reactive than copper and so would offer cathodic protection...
i loved the module A and C questions but thought the KL question was an absolute shocker.. my own interpretation, what interpretation??? did anyone else stuff it up too?
and what the hell did it mean by two extracts?? 2 scenes?? aaarrgh
my whole response was a load of blabber "i believe this...
Is it 5 minutes or 10 minutes??
lol I don't know what else to study for this Journeys paper..so I'm just gonna get picky over small details..
btw Good Luck to all HSC'ers! :)
there's some plutarch quote on it in his life of lycurgus..
i remember doin an assignment which included leisure..from what i can rmember: hunting, gymnastics, singing, dancing, chariot-racing, feasting (?)
I've heard from someone who goes to Sydney Uni that it has a very conservative, academic atmosphere while Maq Uni has a very liberal atmosphere and more dynamic, changing degrees...
what do u reckon?
Yeah, I put it in as my 2nd preference :)..seems really interesting...
dunno if you've seen this page already but here's some info on it:
It says on that page that "This degree would be suitable for...