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  1. great_gregory

    Looooong Weekend

    Er... you "Bored of Studies"ed? 0_o I studiously avoided studying all weekend. I had my info101 exam today, so I didn't feel it would need much work. I was right. :p Psych101 in 2 days though; might require a bit more study...
  2. great_gregory

    Sounds like a valid reason to go out and get drunk. :D
  3. great_gregory

    I saw someone's sloganizer sig, tried it out, but then decided to make my own.
  4. great_gregory

    exam seats

    Next to all the smart people, and out of site of the supervisors. :D
  5. great_gregory

    Official UNCLE BOS meetup!

    We'd better have a proper comparison. I volunteer my services as judge. :p
  6. great_gregory

    Official UNCLE BOS meetup!

    Is this the beginning of the Official UNCLE BOS cat fight?
  7. great_gregory

    Psyc 1010 assignment help

    Haha! You were wrong Gregory! 53 is totally a pass! :D Ok, so not the best score, but for an absolute last minute essay that was handed in late, with somewhere between little and no study done for it, i'm happy. Now to blitz the final exam, and get a respectable grade. :D
  8. great_gregory


    I like Customs. It's more laid back than the other places, and I spend most of my time drinking or playing pool. :D
  9. great_gregory

    Email from Nick Saunders

    Have they said how exactly they got into so much debt? You'd think the accountants would notice the extra or unbudgeted spending of 20 or 30 million dollars, wouldn't you?
  10. great_gregory

    Psyc 1010 assignment help

    We got ours to work after 4 goes, I think, but I don't think we learned anything from it except that questions that appear relevant on the face of things might not work. Wow, amazing... that was totally worth 2 hours. :p Actually it was only an hour and a half because we all finished in time...
  11. great_gregory

    Exam Timetable

    Info1010 - 14th June Psych1010 - 16th June Bio1120 - 23rd June That's an awesome timetable. The first 2 exams will be easy enough, so I can get them out of the way, and then i'll have a week to study for biology. Then i'm finished on the thursday of week 2, and I can go on holidays...
  12. great_gregory

    Psyc 1010 assignment help

    I'm so going to fail this essay. >_<
  13. great_gregory

    Stupid Hotmail

    I've never been able to understand people who continue to use Hotmail when there are dozens of better alternatives.
  14. great_gregory

    parking my butt.

    Move to Newcastle then? :D
  15. great_gregory

    4 orders- baudrillard

    Thanks Jess. :)
  16. great_gregory

    4 orders- baudrillard

    What's this "(10char)" thing i've seen here and there?
  17. great_gregory

    parking my butt.

    Here's a crazy idea: don't drive to uni. I don't. :D
  18. great_gregory

    on campus drs

    Did you forget what your profile says Cyph? :p Birthday: 17 April, 1985 Gender: Male Location: Newcastle Educational Institution: University of Newcastle Academic Programme: B. Commerce HSC Graduation: 2002
  19. great_gregory

    O Ball

    Ouch, that's a lot of cash. :( We got there about 9pm, found out how overpriced the beer was... but bought and drank it nonetheless. Various parties left at different times, though I left about 12:30 - right about the time I couldn't hear shit anymore, and so there was no point sticking...
  20. great_gregory

    Need help.

    How do I stop it from showing me info and anouncements from last years classes? I don't care about design 1470 anymore! >_<