Search results

  1. D

    business/computing study plan and internal transfer need help

    the staff member either doesnt know shit.. or is lying to you... you can choose to do n e subjects you want man.. and in n e order you wish ! although for first year the study plan is pre made for u ... its more of a 2nd year onwards thing where u choose your own subjects however for a...
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    Taxation Law

    there seems to be no lecture notes for this subject on utsonline website.. lecturer just told us to buy the lecture slides from coop shop does n e 1 know if der actually is an alternative site where they hide their lecture notes on ? lol
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    Late Round Offers & Alternative Pathways

    Re: Alternative pathways to your desired university degree the best way .. and money saver is ... to go TAFE.. advantages are you also have an extra qualification to add to your resume.. ie DIPLOMA.. disadvantages.. you wont get exempt as much subjects hence longer time in uni once u get in...
  4. D

    parents paying for uni fees/textbooks etc

    okay im class of 03 and i am still in uni and my parents r still paying for all my stuff textbooks... uni fees... transport.... food.... clothing... even my car.. including petrol too !!! i know it sounds like im a spoilt brat... but i thought everyone else was like that .. until i talked...
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    Studying at Kuring-gai

    alternatively u can travel to the city.. n e 1 can get to the city easy right? and goto the broadway campus.. .. goto level 2 and catch the shuttle bus to KG they come pretty frequent.. ders one every 40 mins to 1 hourish... and they take around 35 mins to 1 hour to get there .. depending on the...
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    My Timetable looks empty.

    yeah i recon unsw and macquarie unis had a 3rd party (Sun Microsystem) company to write their online enrolment system for the students.. but i heard from the team that uts think their too good to pay another company to write theirs.. so they write their own.. and to me My Student Admin is...
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    UTS Blackfriars

    no idea too if u look at the map outside the uts library there is a thing called UTS Blackfriars all the way past building 10
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    UTS Blackfriars

    wat is this building?
  9. D

    hecs invoice

    shit but im deferring my hecs.. not paying nothing upfront.. so how come i got discount??? hmm
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    getting to Kuring-gai is a bloody disaster

    lol i heard from a friend that KG campus is gonna close down and all its existing students will be forced to attend classes at the city..
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    I did not get to get to use PREFERENCE TIMES at all.

    lol i got all my room locations.. only thing TBA for me is the Staff
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    St Leonards Campus?

    lol so st leonards campus is just an empty campus now with no students there?
  13. D

    St Leonards Campus?

    hey doesnt UTS have a st leonards campus too? how come they dont have n e orientations going on at that campus ? hawhaw
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    hecs invoice

    mine is ... Total Amount Charged (Including GST) $2,210.00 A Discount Amount $442.00 B Total Amount Due $1,768.00 C
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    Tax Invoice

    hey i got my tax invoice letter yesterday hafto pay $208... n e i else pay this much? or less ... more ?? due date is tomorow.. soo quck ! u can pay at the post office.. so im just gonna pay at the post office.
  16. D

    hecs invoice

    i got my hecs invoice today so they send it out pretty early dudettes
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    Hey Guys i officially started Insearch Yesterday..

    yeh i saw my friend in da city yesterday and hes doing insearch hes a local like u hes asian though and his name is york maybe u know him peace^^
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    I did not get to get to use PREFERENCE TIMES at all.

    im doing tax law too.. with no prior accounting knowledge just business law and ethics knowledge :(
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    Friendly people @ o-week

    yeah UTS rocks man.. anime club and EGG club rocks!!
  20. D

    Timetable 2006

    da timetable builder site is fullashit.. some subjects still have places available.. yet they dont let me enrol into the subject saying quota has been reached .. boo :(