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  1. jlh


    where can i find the ilecture recordings? cuz i'm hoping they are gonna record phil250, but i don't have a profile for it under webct!! :worried:
  2. jlh

    PHIL250: Aesthetics

    hey is anyone else doing this unit? i missed out on the first lectured need to find out whats happening and to borrow notes, please?!?!
  3. jlh

    how was your first day?

    ok so i ditched my 2nd first day... my alarm went off, but i just turned it off and went back to sleep... didn't realise i had to go to uni, still on holiday mode!! anwyays.. it was ok, it was econ200, so i had to tell my friends to get me unit outlines... so then i went back to sleep cuz i...
  4. jlh

    BA Commerce at MAQ/And why u reckon MAQ is the go?

    this link should tell you the differences between a bachelor of commerce and a bachelor of business administration:
  5. jlh

    how was your first day?

    yeah i was wondering what was up with the weird post.. anyways, i didn't know there was a 'new posts' page...
  6. jlh

    how was your first day?

    LOL.. yeah i was awake at that time only because my dad had woken me up.. went on the computer to check my downloads.... then went back to sleep... i ended up dropping soc233, which was the 9am monday start, and added phil250 (tues arvo)... so now i have 3 days of uni per week!! :)
  7. jlh

    Where is the best uni to do physcology?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Prospectus 2005 UWS is among the world's most prolific institutions for educational psychology research according to a recent study in the academic Contemporary Educational Psychology journal. Listed as number seven, we're the only Australian Institution in the top...
  8. jlh

    BA Commerce at MAQ/And why u reckon MAQ is the go?

    BA is a bachelor of arts... BCOMM is a bachelor of commerce... BIT is a bachelor of info tech... as for your actual question, it would help what field in commerce you are considering doing... so, what is it? accounting, finance, economics, marketing, econometrics, actuarial, ?? (can't...
  9. jlh

    100 level units in second year?

    100/200/300 levels only suggest the level of difficulty of the unit... they don't mean for 100 level its a first year subject first year, 200 level is a second year subject, and so on... you can do 100 level in your final year of uni, provided that you have met your degree requirements...
  10. jlh

    how was your first day?

    i ditched my first class at 9am today (monday).... wasn't quite ready to go back to waking up early to get to uni......
  11. jlh

    Best Business/Commerce Uni on Earth

    i agree! *10 char limit*
  12. jlh


    wow how plain the ACU diary is.... i'll take a pic of the mq one later on..
  13. jlh


    i'm with merethrond.. i don't get the evil vibe from locke... he seems to know alot about survival and alot about everyone....
  14. jlh


    is the size of that diary A4?
  15. jlh

    BA Commerce at MAQ/And why u reckon MAQ is the go?

    whats a BA Commerce? under a BA, you can major in things like economics, and i think marketing.. here are the things you can major in under a BA:
  16. jlh


    dead link......
  17. jlh

    Does anyone else have to get up at 4 to go to work?

    i use to get up to go to work at 3am... started at 4am... i didn't mind it actually.. if its a constant schedule and they don't change it, you get use to it... plus, finishing at midday was cool.. had the whole afternoon to do whatever....
  18. jlh

    Lame question :P numeral prefix of course differences

    if your wondering about the usyd system.. i think it goes: 1001 meaning that there are only 2 first year subjects for that field, 1 being the first semester. so take ECON1001 and ECON1002. ECON1002 is the counter part of ECON1001. there is also 1003 which means that the unit runs in...
  19. jlh

    Academic Appeal

    uh doesn't uni start next week?!
  20. jlh

    What sorts of pencils should i take to uni?

    coloured pencils... all the colours of the rainbow... :p