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  1. jlh


    all my units count towards my degree... i went to speak to the econ exemptions officer on thursday.. he basically approved all the units i wanted to get credit for. basically you have to make a list of units which you want to get credit for. those units can be similar to the ones we have at...
  2. jlh

    Battlestar galactica

    what episode are the currently playing? theres this whole god theme thruout the show along with this 'chosen one' thing as well. its a pretty good storyline!
  3. jlh


    yes i fill in section e of the application form. its a must. it's meant to show that you've actually looked into what your considering doing over there. dont' worry, it won't actually mean that those are the specific units you will be doing because later on if you get accepted, you will need...
  4. jlh


    going over for semester 2 of this year.. which means i will be in their semester 1.. during september to december. only going for 1 semester.. and if i like it i'll extend it...
  5. jlh

    dropping a subject now....

    ok i dropped the unit via estudent on monday.... then i went to the SES today and spoke to them... they checked and told me i have till thursday to drop a unit with a W grade but still have to pay the hecs contributions... which i had already known.. what i didn't know was that i had to...
  6. jlh

    dropping a subject now....

    ok i dropped the unit via estudent on monday.... then i went to the SES today and spoke to them... they checked and told me i have till thursday to drop a unit with a W grade but still have to pay the hecs contributions... which i had already known.. what i didn't know was that i had to...
  7. jlh

  8. jlh

    dropping a subject now....

    i really don't mind the W.... i don't know why people are so against it.. i'd rather get a W instead of a F!
  9. jlh

    dropping a subject now....

    ok i dropped the unit over estudent.. it doesn't appear anywhere on my record though!! should i be worried? went from 14cp to 10cp... now that burden has been lifted i feel so good! :D
  10. jlh


    where'd you get that idea?
  11. jlh


    yeah claire does have the best story out of all of them... and hurley's story is pretty good also.. which youd on't see till episode 18...
  12. jlh

    Msn 7.0.0777

    i have that version... but i didn't patch it that was the version i downloaded off the msn site...
  13. jlh

    dropping a subject now....

    yeah i looked in estudent.. and i can drop it but i'm not sure if it will register as a FAIL or a WITHDRAWN... by their policy i posted above, it should register as a WITHDRAWN.. but i'm not sure if i should risk it.... oh also, a WITHDRAWN does nothing to my GPA right?
  14. jlh

    dropping a subject now....

    summer school isn't covered by hecs.. plus you pay double... and if they employers so ask, why not just make up some BS reason why you had to drop it.. like something personal happened and that you couldnt' devote time needed for study for that subject and you thought it would be better that...
  15. jlh

    dropping a subject now....

    i don't really mind the financial penality.. i mean really now.. we have it pretty sweet here in aus with the hecs thing... so i don't mind paying the $600- $700 for that unit...
  16. jlh

    dropping a subject now....

    ok i found this:Amendment to Bachelor Degree Rule 12(1) 12(1) Where a candidate is permitted to change the program of study pursuant to Rule 4(2) following application in writing to the Registrar and such change of program includes discontinuance of a unit or units offered by the...
  17. jlh

    dropping a subject now....

    a fail? hmm.. then i better not drop it.. i want to drop PHIL250.. its just an elective, which i need if i plan to graduate on time.. actually the reason why i want to drop it is because id ont' want to write the 35% essay which was due on friday.. :( if i drop PHIL250, then i have to...
  18. jlh

    dropping a subject now....

    does anyone know how i go about dropping a subject.. yes yes i know the HECS deadline has passed and i don't care... do i have to speak to the lecturer (i hope not)... ?
  19. jlh

    portal server too slow

    really? the portal is fine with me.. i've never had any problems with it.. though i don't use it much, just every couple of weeks or so to check mail.
  20. jlh

    Anyone ever gone on exchange?

    i'm going on student exchange to canada for 2nd semester of this year.. though it won't fit in exactly during out seconds semester. i'll be going during sept and dec for 4 months.. i only opted for 1 semester because of how i've planned my degree.. but if i like it i'm going to extend it...