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  1. ssssonicyouth


    heh cause uac are stupid :)
  2. ssssonicyouth

    Regarding early UAIs...

    heh huy has late night delerium *i'm an oaf!*... oh wait i'm hallucinating
  3. ssssonicyouth

    uai prediction

    if you follow the height of marks to height of body ratio, then huy's marks are pulled out of his nipples :)
  4. ssssonicyouth

    Regarding early UAIs...

    you will have 'better' marks corresponding to a lower uai.. everyone was higher this year
  5. ssssonicyouth

    uai seeker

    heh ok b4 i go to bed.. 99.45 sifnt wonky prediction of 92-95 :) be very wary for those in class of 2004!!
  6. ssssonicyouth

    Regarding early UAIs...

    *looks back* remembers being part of thread where they got flamed :\ oh well :) good luck to 'em
  7. ssssonicyouth

    UAI estimated please :)

    refer to the part about me being drunk and forgive me :p *looks repentful*
  8. ssssonicyouth

    Regarding early UAIs...

    i wish pigs and the other 100 uai contenders had've checked :(
  9. ssssonicyouth

    UAI estimated please :)

    i just like saying it atm :p
  10. ssssonicyouth

    UAI estimated please :)

    i was making an *educated* estimate... shhhhhhhh huy... i'll win this yet :) oh crap i thought this was a competition... too much alcohol and headlice for me tonight... forgive me oh eminent one
  11. ssssonicyouth

    UAI estimated please :)

    seven hundred billion!! ... although i may have cheated :p
  12. ssssonicyouth

    99.** UAI Possible with <90 in Eng Adv?

    if you think you can improve, do it again you'll be like a veteran :p
  13. ssssonicyouth

    Ext 2 English

    no, but i had a disclaimer on the front to absolve myself: "Any resemblance that the reader may notice between this story and the real world is entirely their own fault."
  14. ssssonicyouth

    Ext 2 English

    48 for writing a fantasy story about gods that satirize the current english course ...and yes.. i bribed them :p
  15. ssssonicyouth

    Potential 100/99.90+'s

    hey sorry i know this is spam, but how close do u think i would get to the higher end of 98-99... i know all of you are familiar with the marks it takes at the high end because u could all expect to get insane marks, so here goes: Ancient History 2 94/100 98/100 96 6 English...
  16. ssssonicyouth


    from my top 10 units.. er 94.5 exactly
  17. ssssonicyouth

    So who is an allrounder?

    yeah i got 11 units in :)
  18. ssssonicyouth

    2003 HSC Marks

    2 Ancient History 96 6 2 English (Advanced) 92 6 1 English Extension 1 47 E4 1 English Extension 2 48 E4 2 Mathematics 97 6 1 Mathematics Extension 1 47 E4 2 Physics 91 6 2 Studies of Religion II 88 5