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  1. blOwfish

    The Marketing Thread

    donski.. are you second year?
  2. blOwfish

    The Marketing Thread

    ive done all 3 that you mentioned.. and services is the most interesting! + you get Anouche! She's soooooooooooo hilarious
  3. blOwfish

    I don't like [____________] type of fashion

    what do you mean by a city dickhead?
  4. blOwfish

    Easiest Business Major

    i agree.. Internatioanl marketing has got to be the most annoying subject in the marketing major.. but other subjects are really fun and interesting: i.e consumer behaviour and apm. Im looking forward to advertising though..:)
  5. blOwfish

    Can you wear WHATEVER you want to uni?

    I also agree on that! Add in humanity students - cutting edge mixed with vinnes bin and business students - practical, trendy and modern. Engineering students - hmm in my experience.. they dress like bogans. Also international students - esp girls.. rock up to uni in high heels, done up hair...
  6. blOwfish


    I would go for a 2 button too! More modern! Dont forget its not only about the tux though.. you still got nice dress shirt, nice black shoes and some cuff links =P
  7. blOwfish

    The Marketing Thread

    hehe i HATED international marketing as well.. the subject too me seemed sooo stressful! Hows your international marketing plan going?
  8. blOwfish


    a classic black tuxedo will remain what it is: classic.
  9. blOwfish

    What did you just buy NOW thread?

    nice! I got the mono 3 high black ones :) I wouldnt mind your pair though.. hmm tempting.. join us :)
  10. blOwfish

    The Marketing Thread

    Nopes... and i had him for my tutor.. Did you guys have to conduct your own focus groups?
  11. blOwfish

    What did you just buy NOW thread?

    a pair of chronicles of never shoes :D
  12. blOwfish

    What type of jeans?

    lol im sure he did mean it. Speaking of GP.. i notice that the one in skygarden is alwaysss ded.. walk past it and their are only the sales assistants walking around.. =/
  13. blOwfish

    The Marketing Thread

    HAHAHAHHA IMR I did that last semester.. it was the biggest load of crap ever.. Do you have Kyuseop?
  14. blOwfish

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: The UTS 'Secks is over, back to uni!' Thread First day of uni was alright. No tutorials was a good way to start the new semester. I fell sleepy towards the end of the day though =/
  15. blOwfish

    UTS - Semester 1 2008 Guestimates + Official Results (16 July 2008) thread

    Consumer Behaviour 83 Distinction sighh.... Introductory Market Research 82 Distinction International Marketing 79 Distinction Business Marketing 71 Credit Hated Business Marketing so dont mind that result, but overall im happy :D Awesome timetable for me in Spring and relatively easy...
  16. blOwfish

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: The UTS 'Get Naked and Secks' Thread s t u d y i n g for the finals ...
  17. blOwfish

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: The UTS 'Secks and omg back to uni noooo!' Thread Yeh for some odd reason first year business mid semester and final exams are always closely grouped together. I remember having 2 finals in one and an exam the nest day. The advantage of this i guess is that you get to start your holidays...
  18. blOwfish

    Academic Transcript

    Hey Guys, Im applying for a internship over the semester break but in the application criteria, it requires me to send an Academic Transcript. Ive looked it up at the UTS website but it seems you need to pay for one. I only need to send it electronically, and do not need it to be printed and...
  19. blOwfish

    BoS UTS Rollcall! Wooot!

    B of Business (Marketing + Advertising Promotions) 2nd year