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  1. blOwfish

    Uni Open Days

    By far the best open day I believe is UTS. They have loads of friendly people to help you around, and check as they have detailed lectures for courses, even detailing it into the majors. And yeh, who can dislike free BBQ's, Free Icy Cold Soft Drinks (Self Serve Cans), and Free Paddle Pops!
  2. blOwfish

    Fundamentals of Business Finance Calculator

    Oh cool, cause when i had my tute, he was saying that you DESPERATELY need one and etc etc.. Thanks =P
  3. blOwfish

    Fundamentals of Business Finance Calculator

    Hey, Can I borrow someones calculator that they used when they were doing Fundamentals of Business Finance. I dont really see the point in forking out 70 bux for it =( Thanks!
  4. blOwfish

    Semester 2: 2007 Buying & Selling Books Thread

    Thanks huratio.. hmm looking for Fudamentals of Business Finance and Business Strategy
  5. blOwfish

    Semester 2: 2007 Buying & Selling Books Thread

    Has anyone bagged Huratio's Bus Stats book yet? If not I bag it xD and btw are these the books theyre gna be using in sem 2? Like the right versions and stuff? anyone still selling there FBF book? Seems like they've all been taken.. :(
  6. blOwfish

    Who Thinks UTS Needs a Makeover?

    OMG that is soo cOOL. We'll have a very open grass plan from the alumi green to the IT faculty. Looks good. O Also like the idea of transforming the pub across the tower building into another UTS Facility. Then they can create a bridge from the tower building to the other side of broadway! Wish...
  7. blOwfish

    Who Thinks UTS Needs a Makeover?

    Yeh, I know, but grass in front of the tower building will soften the the appearance of the Uni, as of now its all concrete. You dont have to sit there, its there to make it look good. And the path from the tower 1 to building 6 can be improved. It really looks like some really old dirty...
  8. blOwfish

    Who Thinks UTS Needs a Makeover?

    I clearly do. I think they need to spruce up the Tower building, especially to the right, where u walk towards towards the Harris Street bridge to get to the DAB building. Its absolutely ugly there. ALso i think they should have lawns and more trees and benches in front of the tower building...
  9. blOwfish

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: The UTS 'Secks and Start of Autumn Semester' Thread hmm.. i think ill give the business students a voice.. So hows people going with the course and all? What do you dislike and like? Which lecturers or tutors are better than each? I for one think business first year is a drag...
  10. blOwfish

    UTS People ? LOL

    Hey my fellow UTS'ers, I was wondering who here are one of those UTS people that promote the university and the courses at careers fairs, schools and the open days? What are the requirements to become one, is it fun and do you get paid? Oh and one more thing, what are they called? lOl !
  11. blOwfish

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: The UTS 'Secks and Start of Autumn Semester' Thread MPO ... omGod ... that has to be the worst course in the Business Degree. The whole textbook doesnt even make sense, and they use such technicaL words no one understands. hmm.. and they told us in the lecture there gonna perform an...
  12. blOwfish

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: The UTS 'Secks and Start of Autumn Semester' Thread Thank god.. the weekends here. No more travelling to the city in a crowded train for 2 days =D
  13. blOwfish

    B of Business - Economics For Business

    Yup, MyAtlas it is. Evil little thing !
  14. blOwfish

    B Business Rolecall

    Hey Chris! Glad you can join us business people.
  15. blOwfish

    B of Business - Economics For Business

    I so agree. People who did Economics in year 12 would find this work revision. I didnt do Eco either so found quite a few confusing. o and btw i hate economics. The eco lecturer bores me to death. He assumes we know everything about eco.
  16. blOwfish

    B of Business - Economics For Business

    Who finds that doing these Economics questions online are a waste of time, and also degrading for some people?
  17. blOwfish

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: The UTS 'Secks and Start of Autumn Semester' Thread Hey, tomorows my first day and thats also my first lecture!
  18. blOwfish

    Whats the uni gym like?

    UTS recently opened their new gym, which is state of the art and is the best avaliable gym in Sydney. Theres new equipment and everything so you can think about joining the UTS gym. Also its very close to central station!
  19. blOwfish

    Going to O-Week by yourself?

    I'm a UTSer. Lucky, i have one friend going to the same uni as me. Besides that, i haven't met anyone yet bah. Yesterday 7:28 PM Hey! im in the same position as you, ive got friends attending the same uni and also the same course, but 3 of them are female.. lOlz.. i need some male friends...