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  1. G

    Does God Exist?

    So do Muslims believe that Mohammed was the prophet that Moses foretold? The prophet christians believe to be Jesus? Quoting Jehovah, Moses stated: "A prophet I shall raise up for them [the Israelites] from the midst of their brothers, like you [Moses]; and I shall indeed put my words in his...
  2. G

    Does God Exist?

    My religion does not baptize babies because they cannot make a conscious decision. Followers do not just get baptized without any thought put into it. They cannot be forced. It is an individual decision where one dedicates their life to God because they love him and want to worship him forever...
  3. G

    Does God Exist?

    I don't understand what you mean. That quote doesn't mention the trinity. The bible does not show that there is a trinity, although many misread certain scriptures and ignore other scriptures showing that the bible does not support the trinity. This article explained this. Are you sure you read...
  4. G

    Does God Exist?

    I don't see how that quote supports the trinity. By the way you are a quick reader! :)
  5. G

    Does God Exist?

    Please explain what you mean by this.
  6. G

    Does God Exist?

    Does that mean you can't read it or investigate? Proverbs 14:15 Anyone inexperienced puts faith in every word, but the shrewd one considers his steps. We follow the bible rather than man's word or church tradition.
  7. G

    Does God Exist?

    Trinity Acmilan, waterfowl and anyone else, read this on the trinity. Go back to it if it is too much to read in one go. :) TRINITY
  8. G

    Does God Exist?

    What do you mean by direct contact? Could you explain what you mean? I think I might know how you came to that question. If you read this it shows that the trinity is not a true christian teaching. The holy spirit is actually God's active force, not a person, not God. The scripture says men...
  9. G

    Does God Exist?

    Although many people do this without taking into consideration the rest of the bible, true Christians should not. ( Eg. Some say once you believe, you will be saved! and they think that that is all you have do do...which of course is silly cos it says you need to do other things "to be saved" as...
  10. G

    Does God Exist?

    You should believe the whole thing! By gaining accurate knowledge of God's word, you learn what is symbollic and what isn't. It is often obvious when the bible is symbollic. The bible sometimes says when it is symbollic, like in Revelation. In other parts, you need to be looking at the bible as...
  11. G

    Does God Exist?

    Read this And this
  12. G

    Does God Exist?

    Women and the bible Look at this
  13. G

    Does God Exist?

    Some parts of the bible are to be taken literally, other parts are symbolic.
  14. G

    Does God Exist?

    I was showing you why the bible is proof, proving the that bible can be used as proof!
  15. G

    Does God Exist?

    The Bible The Bible itself says it is from God, mankind's Creator 2 Tim. 3:16, 17: "All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for...
  16. G

    Does God Exist?

    The bible is God's word and is proof of his existence. The bible could not have been entirely written by man.
  17. G

    Does God Exist?

    The trinity is not a true christian teaching although most christians teach it. Definition: The central doctrine of religions of Christendom. According to the Athanasian Creed, there are three divine Persons (the Father, the Son, the Holy Ghost), each said to be eternal, each said to be...
  18. G

    Does God Exist?

    The instances where people say that the bible contains contradictions, are demonstrating a lack of understanding. If anyone has any examples, I will try to show them why it is not a contradiction.
  19. G

    Does God Exist?

    God may have the capability of seeing what we'll do, but he does not always use this ability. God is able to foretell the future. He describes himself as "the One telling from the beginning the finale, and from long ago the things that have not been done; the One saying, 'My own counsel will...
  20. G

    Does God Exist?

    2 Tim 3:16, 17 All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work.