Search results

  1. G

    Does God Exist?

    (I know your muslim Soha but I'm just letting you know what the bible says) Proverbs 14:15 Anyone inexperienced puts faith in every word, but the shrewd one considers his steps.
  2. G

    Does God Exist?

    Jesus sent his son after man had sinned. He made the decision to send his son after man had sinned.
  3. G

    Does God Exist?

    As explained, just because God has the capability of forseeing the future, it doesn't mean that he does it all the time. Eg. If there was a super strong person who could lift really heavy things, does it mean that he would go around lifting everything up, just because he could. God has control...
  4. G

    Does God Exist?

    But you cannot conclude that everything came about by chance? Look at the scientific laws in the universe for example. They are so precise. The earth is in the perfect spot to sustain life. If it was moved even a degree, earth would not have life on it. Humans are to blame for much of the...
  5. G

    What do pple wear to uni

    I don't have heaps of clothes and I'm not gonna go out and buy brand new clothes every week. I'll just wear what I've got even though it's not the latest fashion. All of my clothes are kind of neutral. They will last me for ages cos you can wear them in any decade! lol
  6. G

    Does the devil exist?

    Why don't you ask them next time you see them? Here is their official website which will explain this.
  7. G

    Does God Exist?

    God Exisists. Are there sound reasons for believing in God? New Scientist magazine said: "The lay view persists-of scientists having 'disproved' religion. It is a view that commonly expects scientists to be nonbelievers; that Darwin put the last nails in God's coffin; and that a succession of...
  8. G

    Music - What are you playing right now?

    I'm singing a song I got off Madeline! :uhhuh:
  9. G

    xbox games

    I don't really play much but my brotherseseses fav. games are: jetset radio future - skating game that is set in the's pretty cool burnout (dunno which one) - car game Simpson's hit and run - simpsons car game They are not the latest but they are good I think. Jetset radio...
  10. G


    yeah i like that sort of stuff. I used to sew barbie clothes and bags and stuff and i made these little booties for my baby cousin. They were so cute! :p I want to save up to get a sewing machine. When I get a job that is! :p
  11. G

    Nursing Students

    Thanks for the encouragement! :) To me nursing is a rewarding job though.
  12. G

    Nursing Students

    I was tossing up between Early Childhood (2nd pref) and Nursing. And I was possibly considering medicine down the track too. (when they have it at UWS in a few years!) I'm unsure whether I'll go that far but a more realistic goal for me at hte moment is to work in a baby health centre once I've...
  13. G

    Nursing Students

    I'm doing nursing at Hawkesbury. I love nursing and can't wait to start! After doing bachelor of nursing, I want to do a midwifery course and a Graduate Diploma in Nursing (Child and Family: Karitane)
  14. G

    Nursing Students

    Hi everyone that is doing nursing in 2005 and those already studying it! I don't know about you all but I am really happy I am doing nursing. I can't wait to start! I decided on this career 3 yrs ago and I still feel passionate about doing it. Anyways... Where are you doing nursing? How do...
  15. G

    What classification system did your old school library use?

    my school library used the Dewey Decimal system
  16. G

    people to take survey...

    Did ya survey. Hope it's helpful.
  17. G

    tute help

    Thanks for answering my questions! :)
  18. G

    tute help

    Tutes are discussing the stuff from the lectures right? Then on the first week, what do you do in tutes that are before the lecture?
  19. G

    Lecture pad or exercise book

    I'm going to use loose leaf paper for the reasons Citygirl and dv8 said. It is easier for me to organise and keep in order.
  20. G


    Thanks Johnson for that info! I really needed it! Now I know what to apply for! :)