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  1. G

    Advice/Info for 2004 HSC students

    Thanks for the advice? It's got to be better than school.
  2. G

    SAM UAI Prediction

    2001 - 88.35 2002 - 83.70 2003 - 82.90 2004 - (I heard that the UAI will go up this year rather than down)
  3. G

    Official HSC Results Thread: So how did u go?

    Please don't assume that I am some bludger or I have a bad attitude problem. I have a lot of family and household responsibility (eldest daughter in a large family) because both my parents work. If I'd had the chance, I would've studied and worked really hard and I'd be getting band 6's. I just...
  4. G

    Official HSC Results Thread: So how did u go?

    Chem..........................................74 Community and Family Studies...85 English (Advanced).....................81 Mathematics...............................79 Society and Culture....................80 This is really good for me because according to many people's standards I...
  5. G

    Advice/Info for 2004 HSC students

    Advice/Info for 2004 HSC students attending UNI next year? What wil it be like, what to expect, what to do...etc.???
  6. G

    Is anyone here in your exam room?

    110- my school starts with c
  7. G

    So who's burned all of their notes?

    You evil people! RECYCLE!!! That's what that bin with the yellow lid is for!
  8. G

    Special HSC Prize

    hmmm...a prize? That would be nice. Gosh your parents are rich! A trumpet, a video camera, a laptop! Enjoy your presents and make the most of them!
  9. G

    Did anyone slack off in their last exam??

    I was so tired of exams and study that I felt that way in all the exams. I was just sitting there in the English exam thinking, "Do I have to do this?" and having this feeling made me write really slowly. Hmmm... King Lear... bla bla bla...sigh... After ten minutes I started writing fast though...
  10. G

    hsc related suicides, iv heard about 20 this year

    I agree. The HSC doesn't really mean anything. It doesn't show whether or not you can have a certain career and get into a certain course and do well. It is just a test on how much you can memorize. If everyone spent the same amount of time to study as the ppl who get UAIs of 100, anyone could...
  11. G

    It's a long, hard wait........

    It is so frustrating just sitting around waiting for these damn results! The longer the wait, the more you worry about how you went. I keep remembering all these stupid mistakes I made and i have a feeling i will not get into that uni course i wanted. And I am having nightmares too! I HATE IT!
  12. G

    Cheating in exams

    I know at least two people with special provisions who cheat in their toilet breaks! They keep the notes in their pocket or up their sleeves. They don't even really need special provisions. Anyone can apply for it making up why they need it and they get extra time. Eg. If I was the sneaky...
  13. G

    How many pages??

    i filled every page of each booklet...i think they were four pages because it felt so easy to fill them up!
  14. G


    SLIDE RULE! Didn't you know? Santa is Satan dressed up! Surely you don't believe in Santa anymore?
  15. G

    The 2004 HSC - Community & Family Studies Paper

    Most of the class left before 5pm. It's pretty selfish of them not to put an effort in because the whole group suffers. :vcross: The exam was crap. MC and long answers were the worst. The Groups in Context and Individuals and Work questions annoyed me a lot. :vcross: I agree that the...
  16. G

    Multiple Choice Answers

    1a 2a 3c 4b 5a 6d 7d 8d 9b 10c 11a 12b 13a 14a 15b They are mostly wrong and some I didn't remember so I just guessed what i had chosen.
  17. G

    now that you've done the exam what do you think you'll get

    I think I'll get 60 to 70%
  18. G

    Who thinks they failed?

    Fail fail fail!
  19. G

    wat do u reckon u got ???

    (In response to I am the eggman!)