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  1. Benovista

    It's On!!!

    cool! theres hope for me yet. :D But then again I may not need uni. Its good to have options though!
  2. Benovista

    It's On!!!

    can a tafe diploma get you into uni? even if your uai sucked ?
  3. Benovista

    Has anyone started their own business?

    AsyLum ... are you the same AsyLum from bigpond chat?
  4. Benovista

    Money Smart

    I get around $126 aweek but thats for 3 shifts, sometimes I only get 1 or 2 shifts at work.
  5. Benovista

    Semester Two

    well the course im looking at says 22hrs a week for 36weeks (1year)
  6. Benovista


    anyway renting? if so how much are you paying? And are you sharing or on your own?
  7. Benovista

    Making money online

    i joined... i want money!!!! what do the points equal in cash?
  8. Benovista

    Semester Two

    hmmm... I ended up answering my own question... oh well. actually I have a new one. When studying full time at tafe, how many days is that? Cause i heard that full time is like only 3 days for 5 hours a day. Can someone verify this? Ben
  9. Benovista

    It's On!!!

    layzie bone, its like looking in a mirror only... not :) 1) How are you holding up these few months? It has gone so fast yet so slow! Its kinda depressing to think that i could almost have done the HSC again by now! Ive spent most of my days waking up to Dr Phil and going to bed to...
  10. Benovista

    Semester Two

    Stop being so selffish, this is my topic... MOVE OFF! SHOO!
  11. Benovista

    Semester Two

    cool but.. Im confused about something (which im sure i could save time by just calling them) I want to do Information Technology (Website Development) [3759] It only shows 2 locations on that page (both are too far away!) When I go to the list of courses offered at Hornsby tafe...
  12. Benovista

    Semester Two

    im alittle confused about this. I want to start a tafe course and enrollments have opened up for Semester Two. Does this mean I can start the course from the beggining or do I have to have done Semester one? What courses can I start?
  13. Benovista

    Am I the only person . . .

    no alot of people in year 12 havent worked a day in their life. I would highly recomend getting a casual job though! It will help you get a job after you finish school!!!
  14. Benovista

    Video Ezy

    i dunno, im 18 though.
  15. Benovista


    you need an agent!
  16. Benovista


    well you gotta start somewhere... i have no objection from starting at the bottom... just aslong as I dont get stuck down there
  17. Benovista


    Im concidering enrolling... Anyone go there or been there? If so, how did you find it and did you get a good job out of it?
  18. Benovista

    Video Ezy

    I applied at Civic and Video ezy today! Its been my dream to work in a video store... weird I know! But I think it would be fun. Problem is I asked if there was any work available... both said no but let me apply anyway. I dont know many people who have got an interview with them. But I think I...
  19. Benovista

    how much spam e-mails do u get??

    i was starting to get over a hundred a day on my old account so i deleted it and started fresh. The trick is to not post your email address publicly on webpages and forums so spambots dont find it and sell it to spammers. Try to hide you email at all times and when giving it to another...
  20. Benovista

    Received HSC Certificate

    I got a cert II aswell! YAY ME/US! our mailman rode hes motorbike thru our front yard right up to the door lazy bum!