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  1. S

    how come u hardly ever heard about those that fail

    lol either way u put it it has the same meaning!! stop being technical
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    how come u hardly ever heard about those that fail

    okies... learn something new everyday!!
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    how come u hardly ever heard about those that fail

    okies... learn something new everyday
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    how come u hardly ever heard about those that fail

    tis.... we should appriciate them more! without them somethings wouldnt exist
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    how come u hardly ever heard about those that fail

    in the hsc... ur uai is a rank rght. Its a rank out of a 100 with everyone else in the state. Therefore that would mean that abou 50% of the state failed... What about them? How come you hear nothing about them?
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    feel good music

    cats in the craddle- cat stevens american pie- orignail best time of ur life- greenday dont wanna miss a thing- areosmith hmmm cant really think of that atm
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    could somone plz explain solid state devices?

    yea that would be good to no
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    umm anyone doing Age of Silicon this year?

    were doing age of silcon... our teach said it is the easiest and that moetly he get every1 to get about 25/25 for the subject... ne1 willing share notes and stuff are welcome
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    Worst Song Ever.

    i hate techno!! i cant stand it!
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    Which version of Harry Potter 6 are you getting?

    its a book... the only thing u arew buting it for is the words on the pages... it dosent relly matter wat addition it is
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    Modelling Semiconductors

    i have the same thing... though i want to be creative and the egg carton thing most ppl do..... ne1 go ne other ideas??
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    last 5 CDs u bought/obtained

    i dont buy cds nemore... i download music last music i gots thoug was 1. vertical horizon 2. jimmy eat world 3. simple plan 4. good charlot and something else i cant remember
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    Live 8

    i was watching it tonite and i think they killed it with all the pathetic adds! i mean big car companies that proberly didnt donate a single cent to the thing were on all the time! shouldnt of had so many adds!
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    Wilfred Owen - war poetry

    all of his poerty is brilliant! i am glad i did his texts
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    Space Questions (plus answers)

    umm thanks
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    Those red cups

    because americas are boring and repetative!!
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    Your personal library

    woh... i only have like five books.... i feel so left out!
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    the ones that i can stand and are alrite are: English and IT AND BIO the loathed ones are: CHEM, PHY, MATH,
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    Do you people have to do this for your assesments?

    i have that same assement task. a person in grades before us did this thing with cooking oil. rice in one and styrofome in the other i think. gravity would pull the rice down in the oil and the styrofome would float. its a pretty god idea