Search results

  1. S

    best place on earth!

    come on ppl you gotta come to talbingo one day... its just one of those places that you have! to go to
  2. S

    What is the best trilogy of books or series?

    definatly the tomorrow series. and the harry potter series is good if you have advice on any other good books like these i would love to know. at the moment i feel like reading books but just dont know which ones are good to read. i dont want to read a real crappy one.
  3. S

    US celebs in fiery Schapelle debate

    the world is crazy.
  4. S

    How to quit Coles?

    well you could just freak out the boss and start stacking all the stuff in the wrong place. walk around the store and tell ppl your waiting for the mothership to come or something. or you could run around the store telling all the customers that the building is on fire! or you could just...
  5. S

    best place on earth!

    is any1 going to talbingo for schoolies it is like the best place on earth!! i mean its is so great. it has the best pub on earth!! the best entertainment and the best views! this year talbingo is the place to be!
  6. S

    The perfect guy/girl

    perfect guy perfect girl what is the public opinnion of the perfect guy/girl?
  7. S

    Do You Think Its Wrong To Ask A Teacher To Tutor You??

    nope. you can get tutoring to maximuse ur marks if you want. it up to u my young padwan
  8. S

    Freaking Out!!!

    i am not scared of the hsc but getting a job and moving into the real world i am scared of!
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    What you gonna do if you fail HSC

    if i fail i will just sell stuff off ebay. thats where the money is these days
  10. S

    State of Origin Thread

    go the reff!!! he always wins no matter how the game turns out the reff always wins!!! go the reff!! by the way last nite i watched that $25 million dollar hoax thing. it was much more entertaing than football!!!
  11. S

    whats everyone up2 on their schoolies week?

    well i am going to somewhere and get out of my small good for nothing town that is in the middle of nowhere!! and get pissed.... actually i mite be going and doing the b&s thing with my brother.... basically i am going to celebrate that i will not need my brain for several months, not that it...