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    Parents Reaction to UAI marks

    woah slow down boy. stop with the generalisations!
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    Politics goes to church at Hillsong

    the material is sexist, biased, rascist, outdated.
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    UMAT materials

    *bump* 10 char
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    Politics goes to church at Hillsong

    they rope people into their church by producing songs for the masses of youth. you stupid fucking kids, can't you see that its propaganda. Hillsong is going to ruin our lives so watch it kids.
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    The Top Schools Of 2005

    that has nothing to do with being asian. infact, your vocabulary is an insult to asians in australia. i am not amused.
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    Politics goes to church at Hillsong

    its a fucking scary cult. SO FUCKEN SCARY there are no words for it ... and its growing as we speak. GOODBYE women's rights!
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    Cronulla Beach Incident

    what? the media hasn't announced the 14yr old death?
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    The Melbourne life

    hey guys, i'm thinking of applying to Melb Uni, although i live in Sydney and have never been to Melbourne. Could you tell me what Melbourne is like compared to Sydney? These are some of the rumours i've been hearing, let me know if theyre true or false (as i have no clue): 1...
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    failing year 12

    everyone should shut up and go back to study if theyre so worried. get off the forum
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    Newsreport: HSC 2005

    45 people? i thought it was usually in the 20s.
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    Man dies after having sex with horse

    thats fucking disgusting. Honestly, people have too much time on their hands.
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    Cronulla Beach Incident

    i wouldn't call it a riot. Its just stupid gang disagreements. Its not "warfare" or anything that cuts close to that.
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    great. where is this thread going?
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    Racism in Australia

    bump 10char
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    Cronulla Beach Incident

    i totally understand that.
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    Cronulla Beach Incident

    where is the source? and how do you know? can you back that up?
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    Cronulla Beach Incident

    Yeah ... its sad because the number of people who act irresponsibly don't represent the majority of Lebanese citizens. I'm not screaming the racist card, although i feel a bit sad this is happening. More understanding and exposure of the Lebanese is needed. The ideal situation is for Lebanese...
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    Cronulla Beach Incident

    I think they are having a good try at integrating into Australia. They speak English, and most of them are quite friendly and intelligent. They are giving it a go. I understand the Cronulla beach motive, although i don't support it.
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    Homosexuality in Australia

    hey come on, give us a break. i love Australia and Australian people.
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    Cronulla Beach Incident

    i doubt it would spread to Lakemba. Its really a small thing blown out of proportion.