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  1. W


    any1 toyed around wiv lazseeker wiv english adv?? shit dat scales down harshly
  2. W

    UAI Prediction please

    anyway..i said ull prolli get in th 70s.... juss gotta keep tryin...n not get distracted or stressed
  3. W

    UAI Prediction please

    what the?..i thought i replied here?.. is my comp juss laggin?
  4. W

    Past Papers Vs Note Making/reading

    so how many \papers have u guys done/???
  5. W

    uai predication? its reeeel bad

    i think sometimes if u do ext subjects...u get scaled down like krazy..
  6. W

    UAI Prediction please

    hey best of luck dis yr..! fink ull get low 70s......... juss keep workin!...
  7. W

    Look at me

    Loui...ure a funni cunt... using the popularity of this thread eh? ehehh we have 2 charge u 4 ure broadcasting right!
  8. W


    english sucks..
  9. W

    a quick message

    but is there gonna b national athem?...n shit dats gonna take a while??
  10. W

    a quick message

    starts in 20min??????????????????? shit i betta go
  11. W

    What do your teachers think of us???

    my skool teachers advice 2 get past papers off dis site
  12. W

    HSC students to get results by SMS

    HAHAH IF it gonna start spannin icq msgz... lol....
  13. W

    Look at me

    hahah rnt we spammin liek crazy? wherez the modz?
  14. W

    People who got >90 in subjects: how did you study?

    yehh..coz when asian count the number of rice we r puttin in our mouth..and then we multiply it by the weight of the bowl, and then log that.......n everynyte..when we finish we write down the formula to that dinner...if it is larger than 0.24334 we had a big dinner... hehehe
  15. W

    Look at me

    HAhaha...letz make dis the SBHS club house... n chunder is our first trophy... lol shit our whole skool is gonna get banned now..
  16. W

    Look at me

    HAhaha.... chunder will get a rude shock if he ever comes bak
  17. W

    How Late Can I Leave It???

    watz wiv jolin opal?