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  1. W

    How much do i need to improve upon?

    fuck do u study that much?!!... its realli puttin me off!! i beeb given an uai estimate of abt 97............n im onli doing 4 hrs a day....i did liek 1hr today..... im gonna b fucked now...huh???
  2. W

    How Late Can I Leave It???

    hey juss wonderin if what im doin is right... my eco exam is 12 days afta my 2nd last hsc exam...which is it okay for me to start studying till then?...i mean ill have 12 days...n rite now i have only abt 16days left for my other subjects......
  3. W

    Look at me

    HAHaha... i have gone teary-eyed with the response from the people of my school...SBHS.... It is clearly evident how much we love our school, and how much we are preparing to spend the last few weeks just b4 the HSC defending it..... it does not take sept 11 or bali 2 bring the ppl...
  4. W

    How many hours is everyone studying?

    try the library if house is 2 small or crowded....... n dont sit on those big tables!....get a desk by ureself! anyway..i did 4 hrs today so far...Mmm...i fink 5hrs is good each day.......but realli should b doing abt 6hrs.........
  5. W

    A UAI Calculation Please

    nahhh ull get it man~ i would seriously improve my english n chemistry big tyme! =)
  6. W

    yes ANOTHER uai estimation...

  7. W

    Prediction please

    wow pretty small school! guess would be around 85~90
  8. W

    uai estimation...

    Hey im pretty sure u can achieve 97.... seeing 97 ppl do guessing itz eng advanced ure talkin abt... and ure best 10 subjects have an average of about, 91%?....ure maths doesnt have 2 count...french gets scaled heaps high...yeh ull b fyne~
  9. W

    UAI estimate please- MINE

    hehehe i reckon ull get abt 85~~~ wat do ya think =)?
  10. W

    Yet another uai estimation ... final ranks and marks

    hey u mind tellin what ]z da name of ure skool!?...
  11. W

    should i do 4u maths?

    ....ohh keep it!!!
  12. W

    should i do 4u maths?

    well i fink da whole point dat the skool quoted it.... is so that it gurantees that everyone who is doing it will.......will be worth their while...n dat an excellent mark is quite certain....
  13. W

    Urgent Help Needed!!!

    yehhh i guess huh!...MMMmm....
  14. W

    Urgent Help Needed!!!

    YEs!! lazarus 2 da rescue! =) soo......the first fee paying course i put would be considereeed as my 1st preference .....and first hecs would be considered 2 be my 1st preference also???
  15. W

    Urgent Help Needed!!!

    arggghhh...i dunn need u 2 bag me abt dis!!! im slowly workin through the bloody sections.............. what did u put bon??........
  16. W

    Urgent Help Needed!!!

    hEY...Im applying 4 UAC rite now online....n i have dis question..but i cant call UAC...coz they close at liek 4:30am on weekdays....~....but goes my Q: ok, i noe ill place my selections of courses starting with my number 1 preference, and so on and so on...... BUT...where...
  17. W

    18yr old boy...seeking old n attractive UAI(96)

    erRRR...YEH PPLZ predict my uai!!!! Grrrrr =)
  18. W

    18yr old boy...seeking old n attractive UAI(96)

    haha love thread?? we could match ppl up according to their uAI's!! =) liek piG..(opal)...was going out wiv da dux of SGHS....hehe so itz liek da Dux PAir of SBHS n SGHS......... i guess u can move irrelevant stuff 2 (non-school?)