Search results

  1. sf_diegoxrock

    Does anyone work at Hungry Jacks??

    dw too much about the pay - it sounds like you're really enjoying it you'll gain a lot of skills, new experiences and friends too lol just quit when it stops being fun
  2. sf_diegoxrock

    Anyone working on the upcoming public holidays?

    Lol that's not a public holiday. No penalty rates
  3. sf_diegoxrock

    Anyone working on the upcoming public holidays?

    :( aww you miss out on Christmas with your family!
  4. sf_diegoxrock

    Does anyone work at Hungry Jacks??

    you should get double pay on Sunday, or if your boss is tight (like mine was at a certain "fast food" place) its 1.5x just curious, how's the pay @ Hungry Jacks and don't you find it really hot/oily?
  5. sf_diegoxrock

    who here works two jobs?

    oh wow and you do this ontop of fulltime study? very impressive!
  6. sf_diegoxrock

    who here works two jobs?

    :\ you work 2 jobs, but youre earning less than 6k? sounds harsh
  7. sf_diegoxrock

    three is a magic number!

    Might see how it goes. I'm already on a cas job, with 20hrs per week - don't think it'd be possible to juggle that with a fulltime position :\ the money would be nice though!
  8. sf_diegoxrock

    The Coles Thread

    LOL nice!
  9. sf_diegoxrock

    three is a magic number!

    Chatswood is far for me too. They offered me the position @ Warringah Mall - and I didn't even put that down as one of the locations that I'd be able to work I'm not really interested in telecomm - I've just been taking whatever job comes my way since I stupidly enough didn't apply for...
  10. sf_diegoxrock

    three is a magic number!

    Telstra always post on Seek and if you check out the careers section on their website, they're still hiring all over Sydney
  11. sf_diegoxrock

    three is a magic number!

    oh same here! I applied for the xmas casual at Telstra and it was $21 as well but no commission (which I'm fine with) but they ended up saying the only store that still had vacancies was one on the other side of Syd, a 1.5hr commute for me - no thanks! Wonder if THREE mobile is about 20 or so.
  12. sf_diegoxrock

    who here works two jobs?

    Just out of curiosity, how much $ are you raking in each week? At the moment, I'm getting approx $400 for 20hrs a week. I'm looking for a second job to try and get closer to $700 a week.
  13. sf_diegoxrock

    who here works two jobs?

    you should get that changed - it's better to claim the money back that pay it to the ATO imho I really want to get two jobs, to fill in the times I'm not working at my current job... so far the only luck I've had is a full-time position, not sure if that'd work out well
  14. sf_diegoxrock

    who here works two jobs?

    how are you finding it? and do you get taxed like a %#(*&?
  15. sf_diegoxrock

    three is a magic number!

    anyone here work in a mobile store? I just got a job offer from THREE and I was wondering if the work is hard/easy, and how much it pays (i'm 19 btw)
  16. sf_diegoxrock

    Anyone working on the upcoming public holidays?

    wait you get $10/hr - normal pay? I thought you were 18?
  17. sf_diegoxrock

    Anyone working on the upcoming public holidays?

    ouch 73.5hrs, you deserve that 1,700+ ! do your parents care that you're working so many hours?
  18. sf_diegoxrock

    Anyone working on the upcoming public holidays?

    oh really? I was so close to applying for a overnight shift @ a 24hr maccas store. However, the pay was only 18/19 - for staying up 12am - 7am :\ so how many hours would you work for 1700+ in 2weeks?