Search results

  1. sf_diegoxrock

    Asking for a job

    you have to wear a hair net and/or chef's hat and a baker's outfit, if you have one
  2. sf_diegoxrock

    cheapest HDD possible out there

    details for this 200gb one pls
  3. sf_diegoxrock

    Maccas help

    put down politics, economics and philosophy do you enjoy working at mcdonald's? did your parents make you apply?
  4. sf_diegoxrock

    Anyone working on the upcoming public holidays?

    where do you work? and how? if I work 8 hours a day, 5 days a week + a 6 hr shift on Sat, THEN i'd get $1700 before tax! but that's deadly.
  5. sf_diegoxrock


    so for vac/cas jobs, you can leave whenever? i'm in the mood for job-hopping
  6. sf_diegoxrock

    OFFICIAL Easter Show Thread

    Re: East Show Job?? isn't the easter show during our semester exams anyway?
  7. sf_diegoxrock

    Rebel Sport group interview

    so did they hire all old people? greater union is a crap job anyway. they make you check the toilets and on quiet nights, clean them as well. not sure who would want to do that on a retail wage.
  8. sf_diegoxrock

    How to get into temping jobs for admin

    try to seek out manpower affiliates i just declined a temping job for admin last week (i have a typing speed of 98wpm, not sure if that factored into anything) - just don't think that there aren't any available right now good luck
  9. sf_diegoxrock

    Asking for a job

    is bakers delight a good place to work out? i'm assuming it's not (high TO's and all...) if you're desperate, Danoz Direct are desperately hiring. it's $19/hour + commission (inbound, so you're just taking calls)
  10. sf_diegoxrock

    Cannot get job anywhere

    just keep calling the stores desperation does pay off sometimes. also, subway is under "sandwich artist" on Seek and other job sites.
  11. sf_diegoxrock

    Rebel Sport group interview

    where did you apply? is it an immediate start? i've got friends who work at Sports Co. - they said it was a pretty laid back interview
  12. sf_diegoxrock

    Rebel Sport group interview

    when is your interview? are they still hiring? i thought they would've sorted out the xmas casuals already
  13. sf_diegoxrock

    Missed call from potential employer

    I googled their caller ID :p It came up with the link to the shop and also, the owner has put up his 2007 BMW on a used car sale site for $220,000 and he's listed the business number as the contact too (didn't have to add that bit in, but what the heck - chaching!)
  14. sf_diegoxrock

    Asking for a job

    It's hard at the moment since most, if not all, stores have already organised their xmas casuals just wait til Jan, they'll fire the crappy casuals and be looking for more competent people :P
  15. sf_diegoxrock

    Missed call from potential employer

    What do you do if you've been waiting for a call all day from an employer, then the minute you leave your phone unattended, they call! I've tried calling them three times now. :( I really wanted this job!
  16. sf_diegoxrock

    OFFICIAL Easter Show Thread

    Re: Easter show I'm pretty sure it's shoe. Why else would it be called the Royal Easter Shoe? P.S. Boston Celtics FTW.
  17. sf_diegoxrock

    OFFICIAL Easter Show Thread

    Re: Easter show So to those who did apply - if you said you were available 24/7 but you weren't, did they get mega angry? Also, how much did you guys end up making all up approximately? (I'm thinking 12 hour shifts everyday for 2 weeks?)
  18. sf_diegoxrock

    Call back...

    They're busy making sandwiches.
  19. sf_diegoxrock

    I hate Rove McmANUS

    I love Hamish Blake.
  20. sf_diegoxrock

    Nigerian scam awareness - Post all nigerian scams you have received

    I actually received a clever one last month, along with some other people We ordered Dell monitors and the next day, a Nigeria scammer had sent us an e-mail pretending to be from Dell, telling us to forward our payment to such and such address. It was pretty amusing. I can't believe...