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  1. Z


    not hard jus needs a bit of effort and u'll transfer GPA was 2.5 i think
  2. Z

    is music getting worse?

    YES music has gone really shit for the past 2 yrs aprat for only a few really good songs
  3. Z

    Pachelbel Canon in D

    i think i started to play piano becoz of my sassy girl... LUV the music in the film
  4. Z

    do you have any advice to help a new uni student to get good grades?

    ok thx... so they might trick me those evil lecturers... *money under the table* muahahahahaha :rolleyes:
  5. Z

    Commerce or Eco at Macq

    hmmm interesting... i think i might do law instead than commerce coz biz studies was a real bore thx for the insight
  6. Z

    do you have any advice to help a new uni student to get good grades?

    so the lecture sorta hints on wot they expect in the exam...?? kool... unlike at skool...
  7. Z

    Commerce or Eco at Macq

    i want to go into commerce... but could u give me more info on wots it like....??? i'm curious if its like business studies coz i was bored out of my mind! :confused:
  8. Z


    92% dats heeeeeeeeepz :D hopefully i'll be in it tho... uhh yeah if u do commerce the maths i heard isnt dat hard;)
  9. Z

    empty advisory day!

    mmmm me too i went to mq it was empty i gotta say i cant even survive a 30 minute lecture let alone 2hrs!! i'm goin to get a tape recorder like my bro:p
  10. Z

    I Am A Dickhead!!

    hahahahahahahaha muahahahahaha how to use windows :p i'm definitely doing this course :D thankx for the insight malachite ;)
  11. Z

    I Am A Dickhead!!

    wots comp123 bout??? hmmmm i'll do it so i can get a distinction hence i can transfer :D
  12. Z

    Law @ Macq

    goodtogo for arts right can u do some biz n psych subjects?? i NO u cant do law...
  13. Z

    Going to O-Camp?

    i might go to it... i dunno :confused: well wot u actually do there n e wayz part from the usual introductions *boring*
  14. Z

    I Am A Dickhead!!

    if u do arts-psyche u can do biz subjects within the arts degree... lol i thought u would of read into it by now :P ummmm even wif arts i'm pretty sure u can still do psyche subjects but not the compulsory ones ;)
  15. Z

    Post your preference list here ..

    1. Commerce 2. Arts 3. Arts/law the rest doesnt matter
  16. Z

    social life at maq?

    u no wen the arts students start o-week??? and whose mentoring it or woteva???
  17. Z

    social life at maq?

    lol :P slightly n some r too different words :P
  18. Z

    Which is the best uni for business/commerce/economics?

    yeh go for usyd or unsw if ur doing commerce!!!!:D mq is jus solely based mostly on acst for its reputation;)
  19. Z

    Post your preference list here ..

    n e 1 put commerce at mq for 1st pref???
  20. Z

    external transfer

    ummmmmmm not sure bout dat one depending if u like the course u'll ultimately do better and able to change externally hmmmmmm not sure if dat helped :p