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  1. Z

    Commerce or Eco at Macq

    i looked into the pdf file... i was wondering if i wanted to get into commerce which course would i take ie. accounting, acst or marketing????:( dont i start out in all general areas first:confused:
  2. Z

    Whats life like at Mac?

    where do maq students normally hang out then??? :confused:
  3. Z

    social life at maq?

    :D more mature... well only some are :p
  4. Z

    subject scaling and ranks

    :S ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm u if u finish yr 11 already... it b quite hard to catch up to 2u maths coz.. it is a alot of hardwork involved esp coping with the sudden change.... BUT however if u want to do really well in ur uai i still think u can catch up if u put the hard yards in these holidays ;)...
  5. Z

    what is everyone planning to do next year...include your uai as well

    MAQ ALL DA WAY!!! :D 1. B commerce then add law 2. B arts then add to law or commerce:p
  6. Z

    whose going to maq? and wot course are u doing?

    hahaha :o same ere asylum dw i'm sure we'll make it in ;) r u goin to do arts then add on law after the first year??? :confused:
  7. Z

    is UOW a hole???

    jus wondering wot is UOW all bout??
  8. Z

    how much does it cost to board in wollongong?

    uhhhhh.... go to UOW website it has the info bout accomodation....... ahhhhhh ur prolly looking round 130-180 a week depending on wot ur choose uni goes for around 29 wks... so u do the maths
  9. Z

    ..Now that we have our marks..

    uhh braindrain... if u were doing media/law at UOW did u have to have an interview for it???????? coz i know its a nc
  10. Z

    Hate tha Government

    man... who wouldnt be angry the government are corrupt lying bastards stealing away our parents tax money for fighting america's war in iraq to steal their oil fields!!:chainsaw:
  11. Z

    RET score

    mmm.... well i couldnt say dats beating her tho :p all my frienz who did 4u maths, phys, chem etc... got i 90+ where as i did other subjects and i got 85+ or maybe jus coz they are smart asses:chainsaw:
  12. Z

    Who's going to UWS??

    uhhhh i put down uws .... but its like a safety net if i do definitely goin to parra campus:)
  13. Z

    Medical science as a preference?

    mushy ur screwed all over... the best way is tafe :p
  14. Z

    RET score

    yeah generally speaking my frienz who did the supposed harder subjects rather than passion did better than me... so i gess its true:mad:
  15. Z

    social life at maq?

    snobby?? i hate ppl who think they're better than others :chainsaw:
  16. Z

    whose going to maq? and wot course are u doing?

    uhhhh same ere:( i prolly be doing arts or soc sci coz i missed out by 0.45 :chainsaw: mmm... girls dont have to be hot to get my attention... jus as long they have a great personality;)
  17. Z

    subject scaling and ranks

    ummm... if ur ranked 1 dats quite well but if u got 70 something in ur hsc exam it b pretty bad have u tested marks on the uai estimator??? u'll c wot i mean :S
  18. Z

    subject scaling and ranks

    :o yes i no wot u said :rolleyes: :p "peace" if got troubles talk to ur maths teacher altho i hated my one:chainsaw:
  19. Z

    Who got a crap UAI? I did :(

    ummm *cough cough* did u guys actually get a bad uai or wot??? :mad1:
  20. Z

    is there a difference??

    srs no extra workload!!:D yes i was a bit confused :p