Search results

  1. ahen

    Psychology VS Human Resources

    gosh this was exactly what i was considering - only i was looking more towards social science or BA (psychology) you know you can be trained in both, pretty much at the same time by doing a psychology course and then going on to do honours and masters in workplace psychology - that way you're a...
  2. ahen

    BA to BA (media and communications)

    how high is "fairly high?" i'm guessing 95+
  3. ahen

    Anyone get a strange envelope?

    haha there should be a "random weird stuff about the 2007 HSC" thread in my very humble opinion and once i actually got the envelope, nope it was perfectly normal. maybe it was just their first batch of envelopes that were all screwed?
  4. ahen

    HSC marks in Newspaper

    we had a morning tea and the careers advisor was like a hawk asking everyone their UAIs...well all the teachers were pretty interested anyway so if she didn't find out then the teachers would've passed em on. Though i think my school (and most others) would do it for statistical purposes - to...
  5. ahen

    My only dilemma about the hsc

    you know what i did exactly what you said to do this year - in terms of going nuts about competing and scabbing notes and complaining about teachers - i was a woman on a mission :D and you know what? it saved my arse, seriously all my internal marks (except extension english) were equal or...
  6. ahen

    BA to BA (media and communications)

    *sigh* i figured as much bleh
  7. ahen

    BA to BA (media and communications)

    how likely do you think it is for someone doing a BA to be able to transfer into media and coms? I'm also considering BA(writing and cultural studies) at UTS but i'm afraid that it won't give me the kind of flexibility i can get from a BA, but then a BA is a bit tooo flexible.. i know no one...
  8. ahen


    aaah it was back at the open day, they'll probably do it again on the advisory day coming up on the 3rd
  9. ahen

    The CULTURAL part of writing and cultural studies.

    geez calm down and india aint stupid - watch what you say dude it can be offensive you know
  10. ahen

    Anyone get a strange envelope?

    lol i agree that it is a tad random
  11. ahen


    yeah i went to the journo lecture at uts and the lecturer was scarily cocky.. anyway the point was about how uts is the best with journalism etc and i think their degree would be the best not only cos its outright journalism but also the calibre of students due to the 95 cut off last year. i'm...
  12. ahen

    Distinguished Achievers List

    yeah i want to see it by schools too i think it might be the csv file or whatever it's called
  13. ahen

    Anyone get a strange envelope?

    they didn't even bother to post me and im in sydney so its not cos i live out in the middle of nowhere or anything
  14. ahen


    oh i see, would you have any more info on this? or anywhere i could look aside from the obvious places ( booklets, uac guide and the website?) thanks and to the OP any particular reason you're interested in who's doing journalism? doing it yourself and if so which degree? :)
  15. ahen

    Could you printscreen the HSC result and the UAI page?

    wow that's awesome! i'm glad it worked for someone :( i wrote 98.1 in HUGE letters on paper on my wall right in front of my desk and i also posted up my uai estimate which, funnily enough was the same as the person i quoted : 96.35 and highlighted the marks i would need for that and then...
  16. ahen


    um not "journalism" out right but i'm considering media and communications at unsw (wanted to do the usyd one cos it suited me perfectly but the cutoff was through the roof last year and i assume will also be super high this year) - does anyone know if the two courses are fairly similar...
  17. ahen

    Official UAI Results

    i'm glad you're happy but...i refuse to believe that you only studied the night before for all your exams
  18. ahen

    UAI and UNI

    also usyd has a flexible entry scheme so if you got a band 5 or 6 in maths or any other related course they'll automatically consider you if you're 5 points below the cut off. But go check on the website just in case you have to fill in an application form
  19. ahen

    The Official Crap UAI Thread

    okay okay i'm sorry geez - i figured this thread was for those who were a tad disappointed, not just for people who got like 60s and stuff but anyway. You do realise i felt like a loser today at school? Everyone at the morning tea thing had UAIs of like 96 -_- and out of all my friends my UAI...