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  1. T

    Enough to get in Civil Engineering 2004?

    but I wonder... mining enginnering gotta study heaps of other engineer area like Mech. and Electr. eng. NO WAY!:p
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    Enough to get in Civil Engineering 2004?

    Ahh... so choice of maths = discimination between talented and normal students!?:p
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    Enough to get in Civil Engineering 2004?

    Indeed, I'm not sure what's the difference between choosing like maths or higher maths!? Or... scaling???
  4. T

    chicks at unsw..

    Well, as my friends notice nearly half of architecture classes are azn girls, so they just choose architect in first year! WT...!?
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    Enough to get in Civil Engineering 2004?

    Yo David, this is Sam too!:D Sam Wu, grad. from Epping boys HS. Feel very funny to meet all of you guys here! See you guys in orientation day!
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    Enough to get in Civil Engineering 2004?

    Oh well, I think I would leave the decision of combining mining or commerce in 3rd year not now By the way, did anyone ever tried to get account degree from combined commerce?
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    Enough to get in Civil Engineering 2004?

    And is anyone gonna do Civil/Mining? Wonder why it is in my offer...
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    Enough to get in Civil Engineering 2004?

    I did 4U maths, but did bad in maths (E3 only for 3U!) Not sure if any of you guys notice that... Maths in first year seems quite hard! Not wanna fail any of them so briging course might be a good tutoring course for me! (But I will be back Sydney at 29th Jan... is that over yet?
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    Enough to get in Civil Engineering 2004?

    is there any bridging course for Civil??
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    Enough to get in Civil Engineering 2004?

    2004 - 78.00!? Lucky for us who made in!=) Nice to meet all UNSW Civil classmate here! and feel free to drop down your name and add each others~ (Suppose it would be fun to know some classmate first in here before Uni life started huh?)
  11. T

    Applying for a remark?

    man I got damn low marks for 4U, I wonder will they scale again like... I got 56 assessment marks and that drag me down, but as everyone knows even tho you get 50 for 4U you may get 70 or higher, I could sure I didn't get that less, so sad
  12. T

    Lotto Probability, anyway tried?

    Lotto Probability, anyone tried? 45 balls with unique identical number on each here, one ball picked out at a time without replacement and then second ball been taken until 6 balls is taken out. Two special balls is taken followed 6 balls which act as "special balls" and as people got the...
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    any of you guys ran out of time???

    Damn I had ran out of time like only 10 minutes to do 25(c) and 28(c), shorten the answer in dot point for option topic I wonder which syllabus point was Q16 has involve in first three topic. And yeah, did you guys just wrote much on each answer? Always for those people who got band6 was...
  14. T

    a joke throughout exam

    Did anyone experienced such a event during this exam when they start wrote a story for section two based on picture of changes, but didn't realise about the page which contain those picture that you should choose one??? I wrote my own story about my changed perception to a place in my memories...