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  1. P

    Commerce timetables

    Um just a general question - when would the "good" timeslots be? thanks pommy babe :wave:
  2. P

    Where did all the UQ people go?

    I'm from London and my predicted A-level grades equate to a Queensland score of 98 so hopefully I should get into the Commerce course at UQ. I want to go next year so enrolment in feb '08, which is why it would be good to hear from people who are there or in the same situation of applying this...
  3. P

    Where did all the UQ people go?

    so are there any forums which are based in queensland or do uq students just not bother with them? Thanks Pommy Babe :wave:
  4. P

    Where did all the UQ people go?

    Why are there hardly any UQ peeps on here as compared to other Aus uni's ie. UNSW, and USyd? Is there another website where you are all congregating? Pommy Babe :wave:
  5. P

    Lobby group seeks election of Muslim MP

    I would say I know a fair amount about all types of religion, seeing as I got an A* U.k. qualification for r.s. And no, not all animals die instamtly if it isn't done properly.
  6. P

    Lobby group seeks election of Muslim MP

    Trust me under no circumstances do you need or want Muslim MP's in your government. I completeley understand that we (U.K.) particpated in a war that was none of our business and Tony Blair's actions were against the wishes of the majority of the nation and he is now paying the price. However...
  7. P

    All on my lonesome...

    I'm going to apply for either a bcomm and becon or just a bcomm in august for jan 2008 enrolement at the mo i am in the u.k and i will be coming over with my afmily so possibly staying with them. Wold it be better for me to stay in uni accom. or at home with them, if you had the choice what...
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    Why USYD?

    But ladies, are the USYD guys any good? Pommy babe :wave:
  9. P

    Eco vs Comm

    Hi yeah it did help thanks i'll do commerce with a major in accounting /finance and take up a language seeing as i already speak some spanish. does that sound better? "Babes"
  10. P

    Uni choices for Commerce and Business...

    Hi everyone What choices have you/ did you put down when you chose to take BComm / Bus. and are you pleased with where you are or do you still feel that you would have preffered it somewhere else. What do you like about your uni's? What don't don't you like about them? What did you see in...
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    mean or nice ??? ^^

    end it quick before you dig a deeper hole.
  12. P

    Some general questions for everyone re: Uni life BEWARE may take some time to answer!

    Hi everyone, thanks so much for your replies, they have been very helpful! Cheers Pommy Babe :wave:
  13. P

    Some general questions for everyone re: Uni life BEWARE may take some time to answer!

    Hi all I just wanted to ask some general questions to everyone (or anyone who can be bothered) about your uni's. They're just questions that you will all know the answer to and take for granted but me being in london, i wont have a clue so any help is great... 1. When you finish year 12 and...
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    Eco vs Comm

    So if you choose commerce, what would be the best major for say investment banking? I was thinking about international business Thanks Pommy Babe :wave:
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    What advantages does in your opinion Oz have over the UK? This isn't a trick question or anything or me getting my on the offensive for the uk, it's just my family and I are emigrating later this year I have a predicted UAI of 95 - 97 (which I think is good - i'm not really clued up on...
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    If you had the choice where to study would you study in the U.K. or australia? Pommy Babe
  17. P

    which University/ course for investment banking?

    Hi all, pommy babe here just asking a quick question If I want to do investment banking/management for a career what would be the best course to study i.e. commerce, management, business, international business and what would be the best university (anywhere in australia) to study it at, what...
  18. P

    Why Does Australia TV Make Crap

    Pop Idol and Big Brother began in the U.K. :rolleyes: Britain has good t.v. but American is the best. When we came over to Aus for validation trip t.v. was better than we expected but then again we mainly watched american shows. I can't believe you are 5 years BEHIND on Eastenders!
  19. P

    pommy with some questions...

    Hi i'm from London and over here our education system is completely different to Aus. I'm starting year 12 and can't go to uni until I have finished A-levels in year 13. What is the education system like in Aus. What year do you leave and what exams do you take? I have a pr (permanent...