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  1. M

    I don't get the preference thing

    just about the vtac preferences do u put medicine and bonded medicine as different preferences? i mean: med at melb med at monash med at utas bonded med at melb bonded med at monash bonded med at utas is this correct? thanks in advance!!
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    Science (advanced)

    if u finish the degree and decide u wanna teach...can u get a diploma of education and be a teacher?! ....and what do u guys reckon about bachelor of medical science and its prospects??!
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    Science (advanced)

    hey all! i want to eventually get into medicine but i highly doubt ill get in undergraduate thinking of doing avanced science, but just incase i dont get into post grad medicine what are career prospects like for advanced science? and how difficult is this course? do yous think its a...
  4. M

    civil/commerce at usyd or unsw?

    hey im really interested in doing civil engineering/commerce but i dont know whether to do it at unsw or usyd ..i was considering trying to get a scholarship from the RTA to study civil at usyd and also apply into the advanced engineering program but i hear that engineering is much "better" at...
  5. M

    civil/commerce at usyd or unsw?

    hey im really interested in doing civil engineering/commerce but i dont know whether to do it at unsw or usyd ..i was considering trying to get a scholarship from the RTA to study civil at usyd and also apply into the advanced engineering program but i hear that engineering is much "better" at...
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    vet science!

    hey there ive wanted to do vet science for a while but heapsa ppl told me that vets dont get payed very well and that made me re consider career options coz i dont wanna go to uni for 5 years and then not get paid very well.. ne one know about the pay of vets??...and even if it is low should i...
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    umat percentiles

    hey wuld ne one have a clue of about wat umat percentiles u would need to scrape in to a UNSW interview, assuming u gotta uai of about 99.2? thanks in advance!
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    umat S3

    that sqaure sequence is pretty easy :p lol ...the boolet that acer sent me was pretty damn hard!...some of the patterns are just weird lol so does ne one know a good place i can practice for Section 3 ...good programs? sites? books? etc..
  9. M

    umat S3

    hey all i bought that umat practice booklet n im absolutely clueless about section 3!! ok with type 1 shapes but im pretty lost with the sequence patterns ...i had a look at the trial of superkeeneye and it doesnt seem to be to similar to the practice Qs acer sent out one have ne...
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    parking at uts?

    i know its a stupid question lol ...but i need to go to uts on saturday and sunday morning at about 9 for a umat prep course ..n i dunno if theres parking available or no, its UTS market campus, quay street one know if theres parking facilities available?..and if so, how much?
  11. M

    is superkeen eye worth $185?

    dallas' umat prep is selling individual parts of his course...he has superkeeneye for $185 or superkeeneye + Q bank (6000 Qs) for $270 one reckon its worth the money?? one thats used superkeeneye found it useful?
  12. M

    Umat Info

    preparation isnt going to bad for me i guess!! doing the medentry prep course, got the workshop this weekend ..keen to c what will b in working thru dallas' questions as well, averaging about 70% for section 1 that ne good or shit?? lol
  13. M

    Q about umat mark

    hey guys im just wondering how hard it actually is to get a umat of about 180+ like in Dallas' and MedEntry prep course questions and practice exams about wat percentage would be equivalent to a umat of 180+ ?? one know??
  14. M

    uai prediction

    hey i just gotta Q im not sure about does the UAI prediction that ur principal puts on ur application form really matter??? can u still get into med at UNSW if u get a shitty predicted uai but then get a real uai of 99+
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    Bioinformatic/Biomedical engineering

    hey im really interested in this course but there isnt enough information available on it...can someone who does bioinformatics or biomedical engineering let me know about wat kind of jobs available? salaries? learning areas in the course etc. etc. thanks in advance
  16. M

    past half yearly papers?

    hey does any one have or kno where i can get half yearly past papers for physics and chemistry? there seems to be none at the resources section thanks in advance
  17. M

    past half yearly papers?

    hey does any one have or kno where i can get half yearly past papers for physics and chemistry? there seems to be none at the resources section thanks in advance
  18. M

    how do u make parts of a motor?

    hey all...i gotta school assy where we have to build a motor do u make a armature, split ring commutator, and brushes?? and how do u put it all together ....i have noo idea please help! lol thanks in advance
  19. M

    how do u make parts of a motor?

    hey guys i have an assessment where we have to make a dc motor out of household items :S im just do u make an armature, split ring commutator and carbon brushes?
  20. M

    Medentry Umat Prep Course 50% off!!

    yup the stuff is over the net ...they send u a whole bunch of instructions so they can encrypt the file to just work on ur computer n then they send it by email