thanx...umm are there ne specific books u recommend??
and how about sections 1 and 2..are dallas' and amepp notes good for them or have they changed as well??...if they have how can i prepare for them
hey can ne one gimme sum advice n hints on section 3 of umat!! ...i seem to be fine on section 1 n 2 but i cant even get one shape in section 3!! ...and dont say dallas' superkeen eye coz that just sucks!!
hey guys can ne one gimme sum hints about beating section 3 of umat...i think im fine in section 1 n 2 but i cant even get a single shape in section 3...and dont say dallas' superkeen eye cozz that just sucks!!
hey all im just wondering how hard is it to get a yearly average mark of 80 in a bachelor of medical science or advanced science thinking of trying out for combined medicine!
u can explain it mathematically....thats wat i done
E=mgh (mg=force due to gravity)
from year 11m W=Fs
h=s since they are both distances
therefore there is a relationship between work done and height
hope it helps
umm i only started 4u about 3 weeks ago and we started with complex numbers.....with skool were about half way through, but ive finished it with tutor ......hows everyone finding complex numbers so far?? personally i think its pretty easy