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  1. A

    Classical Greek Cont. & Ext. Class of 07

    question is: who's wearing a toga to the study day? hmm? i've had one fiited, but it's a little short on the arms :wave: hahaha
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    Lat. Cont. and Lat. Ext.: HSC 2007

    nemoser, why the hard feelings? shall we, perhaps, compare latin with the other HSC courses available? hmmm how about Business Studies? Now there's a subject which really pushes you to think! Oh yes, no rote remembering of syllubus points required, and it's not as if you don't learn the...
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    Classical Greek Cont. & Ext. Class of 07

    i cant really procrastinate in class though...not when you're the only student with your teacher! except my teacher is really funny, so he makes the most random comments which get us off track... i have all your trial exams btw, my teacher got them off yours...havent looked yet though...
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    Classical Greek Cont. & Ext. Class of 07

    hey mate, ps how difficult were your SGS trials? mine's on tuesday - stress.
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    Parlons-nous le francais ici!

    bienvenue laura et starysky! j'espere que tu deviennes moins nerveuse laura, et bonne chance pr ton examen orale!
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    Classical Greek Cont. & Ext. Class of 07

    one person's crazy is another's normal! too right lady d, you couldn't survive greek and latin if you weren't slightly off the wall, I mean how else do you find such interest in the realism of Euripides' electra!? trials will fail me...looking forward to real HSC though....and good luck...
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    Anyone in here studying Russian?

    dobori! ja govoryoo po rouski...
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    French and German?

    go for it! but the thing about languages for HSC is that you can't afford to be complacent. You probably won't receive much HW, so if you want top marks you must be sure that you can push yourself in the language. It's too easy to just ride along and before you know it you're laxidacical in your...
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    Classical Greek Cont. & Ext. Class of 07

    haha yeah trust me we're probably all very strange with or without ms. disdain...that's the classics for you!! yeah my name's Alex Thompson, shore...uniform is grey suit with white shirt, blue tie and a boater (=round straw hat). and you're not allowed to make fun of the hat ok? haha everyone...
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    Classical Greek Cont. & Ext. Class of 07

    I'm back! Ha! Thought you scared the Shore guy off did you? haha no sorry i've been a bit absent, stressing over work! Even though i only have one trial, it still seems all rather stressful! Greek study day has been finalised as my teacher told me today. It's from 1:30pm to 4:00pm on...
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    Classical Greek Cont. & Ext. Class of 07

    I'm back! Ha! Thought you scared the Shore guy off did you? haha no sorry i've been a bit absent, stressing over work! Even though i only have one trial, it still seems all rather stressful! Greek study day has been finalised as my teacher told me today. It's from 1:30pm to 4:00pm on...
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    A propos des sujets serieux

    Une religion? Et la verite??? Qu-est-ce que tu pense a propos de la verite? Dois-je dire que la plupart des gens intelligents, comme 97% de la (Royal Scientific Academy) sont athees. La religion enseigne que nous devons pas (bother) de nous retrouver la verite, que c'est plus facile...
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    A propos des sujets serieux

    Que prefere-je? Mais bien sur je veux que le monde soit sans religion. Chaque religion du monde existe sans argument, et il est presque certain qu'il n y a pas de dieu dans l'univers. Moi, je m'interesse a la verite. Donc, tout d'abord autant que l'evidence montre qu'il n y a pas de dieu, je...
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    A propos des sujets serieux

    Ok, bon. Tout d'abord, je ne crois pas du tout qu'on doit respecter la religion. Par contre, je pense que ceux qui sont religeux doivent donner aux autres un argument pour expliquer leurs (beliefs?) afin que nous ne nous moquions pas d'eux. Oui, je suis athee lol. Donc, la seule raison que...
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    A propos des sujets serieux

    un question vraiment fantastique roadrage! tout d'abord, voulez-vous dire en australie, ou en france? Je pense qu'en pratique il s'agit des coutumes d'un pays, mais en theorie je le trouve une question importante. Je crois que non, mais je peux vour ce qu'on veux faire en disant qu'il ne...
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    A propos des sujets serieux

    Slt tout le monde, j'ai remarque que dans le fil (thread) "parlons-nous le francais ici" les sujets deviennet de plus en plus a propos des choses moins serieuses. C'est bon, je n'ai aucun probleme. Pourtant, j'ai cru qu'il serait une bonne idee de creer un endroit pour discuter des sujets...
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    Classical Greek Cont. & Ext. Class of 07

    Any particular place you're getting the vocab from?
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    Classical Greek Cont. & Ext. Class of 07

    etch...crazy grammar guys! i've been doing thucydides all day..yawn..and it's been tough going. I'm doing sections from book II and III - the Siege of Plataea. It's good for vocab and practice though..... I'm finding the Euripides unseens much harder though; do you agree?
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    Classical Greek Cont. & Ext. Class of 07

    yeah its great. It's my favourite subject...or throw up between greek and french. It's so different, but at times extroadinarily hard with all the aspects and clauses. I'm so glad I did it though.. Christmasbeetle - why was he so good??
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    Classical Greek Cont. & Ext. Class of 07

    oh really? what was the somewhat depressing experience, lol?? one of the grammar guys was very good?