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  1. A

    Classical Greek Cont. & Ext. Class of 07

    Ah sure youll go great. Let's just try and beat those grammar guys - that would make me v. happy!
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    Classical Greek Cont. & Ext. Class of 07

    Could you scan up onto the website one of the most recent ones from that booklet which you've done, and ill do the same from the book i've been using? I think I might do one of those essays tomorrow - thanks :D I'm getting sca-aaaaared.
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    Parlons-nous le francais ici!

    les auberges, vraiment?? comment sont-ils?
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    Classical Greek Cont. & Ext. Class of 07

    Yeah good idea...for example i have an essay due back day one for electra: "Analyse the way in which Euripides portrays the character of Electra. What values does she hold? Are her actions heroic?" Does your teacher give you unseens...or have you been using a book? I think we sometimes get...
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    Classical Greek Cont. & Ext. Class of 07

    Ahaha that's funny, you must have met Jo and Chow. Jo has very very blond hair and is quite wordy and Chow is a mathematically inclined asian genius, and there's some others too. But no, not fantastic, just empassioned (?) I wish I could have made this winter school, it sounded like great...
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    Classical Greek Cont. & Ext. Class of 07

    more than 17? wow! SHORE doesn't normally do Greek, I'm the first in some 30 yrs, and all alone lol. My teacher and I started with Thucydides which we've finished - you use the orange Cambell book?? And now we're half way through the Euripides. I'm thinking of doing extension nex year, though...
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    Classical Greek Cont. & Ext. Class of 07

    I do Classical Greek! I didn't see this page before...could we take it out of LOTE and under Languages?? That would it would be easier seen... Are there realy 17 of us? That's more than I though there would be. I'm doing it in 2007 as well...have you finished both texts? I'm still going on...
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    Does God exist?

    As a flagrant and passionate atheist, I am well assured to see the level of sensibility and rationality in the youth of Australia. May we never fall into that fundamentalist or indeed simply religious ditch of passed-down fairy stories that make up religious belief. Good on you all for being...
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    Parlons-nous le francais ici!

    ouay, a toi?
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    Parlons-nous le francais ici!

    vous me rendez folle....merci, je suppose?? ouay j'y suis alle en echange a la fin de l'annee derniere...pourqoui?
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    Parlons-nous le francais ici!

    t'habites dans un petit village? lequel? i wonder what a stalker is en francais???? pas que j'en suis! autrement....que faites vous tlm comme etudier pour l'examen du "speaking" qui approche??
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    Parlons-nous le francais ici!

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    Parlons-nous le francais ici!

    t'as vraiment raison goosefraba, on se cessera. un site pour les epreuves d'ecoute?? jsais pas... si tu cherche les autres "threads" sous la section "French" je suis assez sur que t'en trouveras un a propos de ce qui t'interresse. je cherche un boulot francais a sydney...des idees? j'espere...
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    Parlons-nous le francais ici!

    excuse-moi, t'a raison goosefraba on ne dit pas du tout "on n 'a pas de besoin de" on dit "on n'a pas besoin de", c'est un erreur de ma part. mais oui, le principe est ca, apres un negatif on dit 'pas de' cependant, tiffanys, si tu veux dire que tu n'as pas les vetements que ton amie...
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    Lat. Cont. and Lat. Ext.: HSC 2007

    Hey I do Classical Greek too! I was wondering about putting up a post...but then again there's probs only about 15 of us in the state so its lucky i found one person anyway! What unseens are you doing?? where are you up to in your set texts?? im doing it at SHORE in yr 11 - all alone! thoughts...
  16. A

    Parlons-nous le francais ici!

    ouay, absolument. whenever you use a negative followed by a noun, there must be a "de". Exemples: je n'ai pas de stylos. il n y aura pas de vagues a la plage je ne vois jamais de crayons If you want to specify THE pens, as if you've already been talking about a certain...
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    Parlons-nous le francais ici!

    salut Tiffanys, i know this wasn't to me, but so long as we're helping one another, right?? on n'a pas de besoin de "comment", tu peux dire simplement 'je voudrais savoir parler'. savoir includes the 'how' in 'know how'.
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    Parlons-nous le francais ici!

    Jsais pas si "interdit" et le bon mot, mais oui je pense que notre societe serait mieux sans la religion, et pendant toute ma vie je vais essayer de dire aux autres les arguments contre la religion et comment elle est dangereuse. Apprendre nos enfants que c'est un virtu de croire juste pour...
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    Parlons-nous le francais ici!

    Cool! Donc, j'espere que vos etudes vont bien, moi, j'essaie de me convaincre qu'en ecrivant en francais j'etudie.... A propos de la religion, et j'ai peur que goosfraba ne va plus m'aimer, je trouve qu'il y a en general deux questions que nous devrions addresser. 1. Est-ce qu'il y a un deu...
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    Parlons-nous le francais ici!

    Enfin, j'ai trouve un endroit pour pratique mon francais! je cherche depuis toujours un site ou ce qu'il y en a qui ont envie de parler francais!! Jsuis Alex. Je trouve que tout le monde la discuttent a propos des sujets vraiment interessants et varies, et j'aimerait ajouter mon ca...