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  1. V


    omg only 7.26% of the 3055 students who did FT got band 6? yikes... even had 1.96% of the 6373 students getting band 6... =\
  2. V

    Educating Rita tickets anyone going ?

    i found it boring...not worth the money.. went on for about 2 or so hours..and it was freezing cold in the theatre.. the play revolves around 1 scene and just 2 characters..i didnt like when they actually smoked during the play...story kept going on and on... rating: 4/10
  3. V


    is it easy to get a band 6 in food tech?
  4. V

    How manyt units did/do you do, and what UAI did/u aim to get?

    once again..ill be proud if i get at least 80
  5. V

    How are the 06's finding yr 12 so far??

    yr 12 is tough...makes u wanna just give up..
  6. V

    What time do u get to bed each night after all of ur work???

    i drink V occasionally..but not too often.. what does Red Bull taste like?
  7. V

    am i on the right track in studying!

    English..just practice writing essays/long responses within a time limit..and learn quotes/scenes and techniques..etc..
  8. V

    working at supre

    lots of the clothes @ supre are not a fan of their fashion the girls are over the top...they practically wear the clothes with the tags still on during their shift..and once they finish they just put them back on the rack ready for customers to buy..ewwww.(they showed this on Today...
  9. V


    who'd wanna be stupid enough to steal when all shops nowadays have security cameras/those beeper thingos/security guards etc...and tonnes of shop assistants ask to check your bag...
  10. V

    Educating Rita tickets anyone going ?

    we're goin tomorrow...@ Bondi and ill just see how it goes.... *twiddles thumbs*
  11. V

    Jerseys for yr 12 2006! (merged)

    im stuck on deciding what nickname to put on.. how did you guys manage to find a nickname without sounding tacky or stupid?
  12. V

    Graduation Song

    i am so sick of that Vitamin C-Graduation song and Green Day- Time of your life...its soo typical.. and they played that vitamin C song back when i was in year 6!
  13. V


    would you people consider a career as a Food Technologists in a food processing plant?!?!
  14. V

    Work Placement

    lol...yeh cant wait to get the certificate..heh
  15. V

    Business Studies vs Legal Studies

    i dunno. i dont do business studies but i do legal. its alright i guess. i wished i chose business studies instead of legal. but its a bit too late now =P but its up to you. depends what you want to do after school =]
  16. V

    Work Placement

    lol cool. are you guys actually considering a career in the hospitality industry?
  17. V


    heh i still keep my stuff..but i cant find anything from year 7 keeping it for my brother..incase he needs help... did you do hospitality for the hsc?
  18. V

    Educating Rita tickets anyone going ?

    LoL. is ur school going? i have the book..but havent touched it. we're not using it til term yeh...
  19. V


    lol oh ok :) lol u still keep your yr7 books?!?!?