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  1. ay_caramba

    absurdist reading of king lear!

    absurdist hehe :) :D sorry..
  2. ay_caramba

    whose finished syllabus?

    ahahaha :D ah :rolleyes:
  3. ay_caramba

    whose finished syllabus?

    we've nearly finished..on the last chapter..yay :D
  4. ay_caramba

    ur fav shows of all time??

    haha i watch gma sometimes when i have a free period in the morning *hides* and i HATE oprah so much.. but i watch her show sometimes *eep*
  5. ay_caramba

    ur fav shows of all time??

    i loved the old degrassi too!! and i remember some other show called heartbreak high (like an australian version of it) lol.. i watch too much tv
  6. ay_caramba

    ur fav shows of all time??

    Ok ppl, what r ur fav tv shows?? (new or old) Mine: * The Simpsons (no 1 by far :D ) * Seinfeld * Just Shoot Me * Gilmore Girls * The Practice * American Idol * Average Joe (stupid but addictive show,not to mention entertaining) * Late Night with Conan O Brien (i luv him,really) *...
  7. ay_caramba

    Natural Rate of Unemployment and NAIRU

    :P *long and meaningless ramble was here before* thanx
  8. ay_caramba

    eco comp was piss easy

    the eco comp was fun :D
  9. ay_caramba

    Natural Rate of Unemployment and NAIRU

    btw the people included in the natural rate dont show up as supply of labour on the labour market graph..because they dont exert any pressure on wages, so are not really part of effective supply of labour thats why there is still unemployment when all the *effective* supply of labour is being...
  10. ay_caramba

    Natural Rate of Unemployment and NAIRU

    they are the same thing... at the natural rate, u cant decrease unemployment by cutting wages or increasing aggregate demand, this would simply lead to inflation, thats why the natural rate is the NAIRU (Non Accelerating Inflation Rate of Unemployment).. since the natural rate consists of the...
  11. ay_caramba

    do all increases in AD result in the multiplier process?

    hehe u know who this is rite :) u better :mad: see ya
  12. ay_caramba

    Anbody else in love with the personality they're studying?

    i like pompey :) but we're studyin caesar
  13. ay_caramba

    And the winner is..................... American Idol [FINAL TWO]

    i dont think she's *pretty*, but she's decent, has a good voice and a nice personality she shud win
  14. ay_caramba

    Who's affected by the strike?

    haha i had an eng assessment on thursday... moved it to monday yay :) so i was affected in a good way erm
  15. ay_caramba

    How do you study?

    I really just study by reading and understanding my textbooks. i have a pretty good memory, so it works for me :) besides that, im too lazy to write up notes, and if i do write up notes, i end up writing out the whole textbook anyway lol and i agree with u abt how explaining something to a...
  16. ay_caramba

    Who's aiming to get above 90 this year?

    sheesh, i didnt even think abt scaling for a second when picking my subjects... i actually *like* all the subjects im doing, and if i enjoy a subject, im likely to do well in it no matter how its scaled..and even if i dont do so well, i dont care as long as i didnt waste two years torturing...
  17. ay_caramba

    More ancient movies

    hey thats a cool thing to do an essay on :) u get to watch, ahem *study* heaps of movies?? :cool:
  18. ay_caramba

    Who's aiming to get above 90 this year?

    im planning to get 90! i'd be really happy with anything over 90 :) i go to a really good selective school, and im doing well so far, i think (lowest mark is 84 in chem, highest is 96 in ancient) .. but i really dont know what im capable of in the HSC, its a weird feeling of not knowing what...
  19. ay_caramba

    fav. Economists

    adam smith, only coz i guessed his name right in the eco competition question i luv him thankyou.
  20. ay_caramba

    do all increases in AD result in the multiplier process?

    hi :) the only way that an injection of $5000 would result in a change of national income of $5000, would be if the MPS=1, u know how k=1/MPS, it would be k=1/1 meaning that all the money would be saved, and thus it wouldnt generate income to anyone else i think thats it see ya 8-)