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  1. ay_caramba

    average joe 2

    i didn't like gil either... how dumb was it when larissa asked him what he wanted to get out of being on the show, and he said he wanted to become an actor!! ooh how thoughtful! duh *rolls eyes* the other guy, the dorky one, actually looked like he had genuine feelings for her.. but then...
  2. ay_caramba

    Which upcoming movies do u want to see?

    ya harry potter definitely! hehe and the van helsing movie looks awesome too.. whens that coming out??
  3. ay_caramba


    hehe i adore orlando too, maybe not as obsessively, and plus there's brad too, he's old but i dont care *drool* .. oops sorry :O
  4. ay_caramba

    average joe 2

    fabio's ugly heeheehee .....sorry.
  5. ay_caramba

    Which upcoming movies do u want to see?

    really? i havent actually seen the trailer for garfield but i heard of the movie coming out soon.. *shrugs* i'll still watch it for the entertainment factor i guess, awful movies are also fun to watch coz u can laugh at how crappy they are.. okay, i'll shut up now. cheers
  6. ay_caramba

    Which upcoming movies do u want to see?

    Me: * Troy * Gothika * Harry Potter 3 (heehee..gulp) * Spiderman 2 * Garfield?? (i think i heard of a garfield movie coming out? or maybe i dreamed it.. bleh) cant think of anymore
  7. ay_caramba


    orlando and brad ... woohoo... :) i mean woohoo for ancient history
  8. ay_caramba

    *dumb* questions on roman society

    thanx so much :) , i understand what equestrians r now! just one more thing, could plebeians become senators at all?? or was that just restricted to patricians? thanx again
  9. ay_caramba

    just curious- past and present ancient HSCers

    wow and u still got in the top 3 for ancient!! good on u :) thanx for all the replies, i feel a bit more calm abt ancient.... i really hope it does fall into place in the end!! i wish we were studying egypt as a topic tho.. looks really interesting
  10. ay_caramba

    *dumb* questions on roman society

    plz help me.. not knowing this stuff is killing me.. KILLING ME ....AAAAARGh
  11. ay_caramba

    Crying before/during/after Exams

    nah i've never cried abt anything school/exam related.. i just dont think its workth crying abt... u gotta move on.. chill ... yes
  12. ay_caramba

    just curious- past and present ancient HSCers

    who actually likes ancient as a subject?? does anyone else feel like there's a lot of content?? i really like ancient history, but am a bit worried abt the sheer amount of content we have to know for ancient-quotes, dates, events (in the right chronology aargh).. past HSCers, how did u...
  13. ay_caramba

    Ancient History People

    hello, I'm in year 12 and im doing: * Spartan society to the Battle of Leuctra * Personality: Julius Caesar * Ancient Greece 500-440 BC- Delian League 446-399 BC- Peloponnesian Wars * Rome 78-28 BC- Caesar, Pompey, Octavian, Antony
  14. ay_caramba

    *dumb* questions on roman society

    questions on roman society ok this is gonna sound fairly stupid.. but what is an equite? whats an equestrian?? what are the social groups in late roman society? is it just plebs and patricians? what are the political groups??? um thanx :)
  15. ay_caramba

    Bachelor of International Communications

    hey :cool: i was wondering if anyone at all could give me some info on the bachelor of international communications degree at macquarie... i have some info on it and it sounds very dynamic and interesting, but i would luv more in-depth info thanx!
  16. ay_caramba

    Globalisation on Australia's BOP and exchange rate

    hi :) i just had my half yearly eco exam today which went okay-ish good.. just a bit confused abt the essay section... the question was: Analyse the impacts of globalisation on Australia's B.O.P and exchange rate so i sorta talked abt how globalisation has opened up Australia to greater...