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    trial result

    lol, you guyz will pwn and hsc and you stress out too much especially Loz_metalhead , mate you scored pretty well. i don't wanna post up my shitty mark..., bah nvm i got 68% and ranked 13th :( (see i have a reason to stress out)
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    All you want to know about the Educational Access Scheme (EAS).

    my EAS is Due this Friday (to my careers advisor for confidentiality statement thing), im not sure about what documentation i would have to include for home responsibilities, etc
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    Marks Used to Calculate the UAI

    Is the uai calculated using marks before moderation or after moderation?
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    UTS Info Day 2006 (Sat Aug 26)

    i guess i'll be seeing you then jasee...:) i wanna get into BscIT @ UTS so badd!!!:( :worried: but i don't know if'll get the uai :(, i did get band 6 in accelerated ipt last year and i will get a band 5 minimum in sdd although my teacher said i would get a band 6 with some work. If only...
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    Israel attacks Lebanon

    Re: Israel vs Lebanon that is so messed up, and they wnat to appeal???!! wtf gives them the right to use people as human shields?, how the fuck do they explain that.
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    The Countdown...

    wha, countdown, i can't see it! If it was around more often i prolly wouldn't have spent last night wasting my time here, rather studying for my English assessment which i failed today!. bah, its my adblock i'll just download your timer sanghu. :D
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    BIT Application Questions

    thanks, i printed out the BIT questionnaire earlier and it would be pretty cool, if previous applicants, or anyone would mind helping me improve mine.
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    UNSW PROGCOMP results 06

    my teacher just emailed me saying that our group got a credit. Thats pretty cool seeing as the questions were pretty fecking hard, and one nerdy barsted kept hogging the computer and refused to let anyone else attempt any questions. He demand to do all the coding. School Team Year...
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    Major Works Results

    ooook nws then :)
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    Major Works Results

    Are you serious?.. and mumma can u post a compiled version of yours up? btw what are your ranks (overall and MW) and your marks/averages. my overall mark is 3 ( 1st in prelim :() My average is in the 70's, everyone under rank 5 hardly show up or if they do, hardly work.
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    Help! Eng Adv AOS Assesment

    Hey guys, its kinda late to be asking, but i have a English advanced assessment task tomorrow, and i've been reading a few assays and am about to start writing my own. however it would be cool if you guys could post up some suggestions/sample answers for this. This is the question we...
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    Major Works Results

    Hey, just got my major works back. I got 88% overall and rank 3, was beaten by 2% :burn: . Our projected was divided into 4 stages, i was beaten by the guy who got final rank 2, in the heftiest part of the assessment, the actual software, after all he had been programming for the last 6...
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    BIT Application Questions

    HI, i'm wondering if you guys could help me decide if it would be worth submitting an application for BIT, (i don't like my chances) The thing is i'm not doing particularly well in all my subjects, most of my ranks are in the teens. However, i was selected to do Accelerated IPT in 2004 which i...
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    Does IPT complete you?

    i finished accelerated ipt last year, wierdly enough i enjoyed it, maybe thats why i got a band 6 :D
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    how to do a median regression line

    here, is an awsome flash step by step:
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    not bad, definatly get over 70, but i wouldn't know accurate range
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    What have i done???!

    heres a copy of my study timetable, i made 3 months ago. incase someone wants to see it. although, many poeple who did well, ( e.friend who graduated last year and missed out for a premiers award by 3 marks), said that they used a list of things to be done. that's the approach i've been...
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    What have i done???!

    lol, i made a study timetable 3 months ago, i am ashamed to say i have'nt followed even one day of it through. :(
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    Listening Task: Frontline

    Hey peeps :P, just wondering if you could help me prepare for one the last English assessment tasks, its a listening task for frontline. We will listen 2wice then answer a question. What would be the best way to prepare, as I haven't encountered this before. The teacher has said that these...
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    Lazy shit who still hopes for high-ish UAI?

    yes, it works something like that, i did accelerated ipt last year and i got 91 in my exam mark, and 88 or my assessment mark, this put my final hsc mark down to 91. I had been ranked 2nd throughout the year and i received the second highest hsc mark in my school. I also found through my...