Search results

  1. S

    graphics calc - degrees sign

    you can survive without a graphic calculator but can't you? otherwise i need to get myself one...
  2. S it enjoyable for the girl?

    yea, its get pretty chilly down south so take some warm clothing...
  3. S it enjoyable for the girl?

    hmm, the last time?..... try virgin :(
  4. S

    BIT Application Questions

    same..., now i just need a 90+ UAI :|
  5. S

    People with UAI below Cutoffs

    what questionaire?, more info? lol, and any tips on filling out the engineering multiple choice?
  6. S

    Whoaa.. muck up day was insane

    i don't think in the history of our school (which is a pretty long history) have we ever had a muck up day.
  7. S

    Top 'speed' done and where?

    the police tend to allow 10-15% over or under the speed to allow for miscalculations and the accuracy of the cars odometer and the radar gun. or something like that, my dad told me that neway he is an ex driving instructor XD, can't beat free daily lessons with an experienced instructor. oh and...
  8. S

    class of 06. Post ur university prefrences

    although lucky for me, they say Computer/IT courses are dropping...
  9. S

    Female orgasm question

    most dudes get their chick info from cosmo , either steal from sister, or borrow partners..., its also much more entertain for the guy as well as insightful, especially with the illustrations.
  10. S


    it is? so thats what i've been doing wrong all this time....
  11. S

    Any Western guys whose parents are against them dating "Asians"?

    im guessing this is a failed attempt at mocking the thread entitled: "Any Asian girls whose parents are against them dating "Westerners"?" you could have made your point in that thread....
  12. S

    A little question

    i too am worried about, this, (my ranks are in the teens except sdd rank 3 and marks range from 60 - 88, mostly b/w 60-75)
  13. S

    People with UAI below Cutoffs

    i agree, although for most of my subjects like maths, business, legal and English i am not doing so well, in other subjects like IPTand SDD i am doing excellent, for IPT i was chosen to do the course accelerated starting prelim in year 10, i got a band 6 for that and in SDD my teacher said i...
  14. S


    i was discussing this with my friends today seeing as how theres only about 1 week of school left and we will NEVER have to go back again. I said that we'd probably fall apart after meeting new friends at uni, they reckon if we should be able to stay as a group if we regularly go out..., but...
  15. S

    Problems with 'cumming'

    lol, i love your last paragraph...