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    Objects thrown under free fall

    I Think What Every1 Is Overlooking Is That Both Objects Are Being Launched
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    Top 'speed' done and where?

    i hit 120 in a 50 zone and swore i would neva do somin that stupid again
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    Teaching Physics at School

    Well out teacher will give us a sheet then the next day put the answers on the over head lol
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    BEST MP3 Players

    Kuzz, all u need is an iriver they have best features and best quality i bought a H320 ---- it has a 20gig harddrive, video, mp3 sound recorder, radio, inskin support, personalised firmwire support (change boot screen etc), picture viewer and much more features AND I BOUGHT THIS 2 YEARS BACK...
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    Australia's economy

    There is a reason why the whole world looks at Australians as lazy and laid back. This is because Australia in LARGE SCALE ECONOMY terms has not changed. Australia got its wealth from Briton and hasn't changed since......very soon country's like Brazil, Russia and obvious China and India will...
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    average marks

    Lucky i found this thread my 4u 1st assessment is on 2morrow and i thought that like any other subject >85% is required. but i will still aim for the best i can :)
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    Does anyone believe in God and the Theory of Evolution?

    I find it VERY HARD to believe that a god exists I reckon that people use god to explain things that they cant e.g. why does lightning fall--- Because god throws it. Also i find it EVEN MORE HARD TO BELIEVE that random books written a long time ago can be used to base our existence on What i...
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    Objects thrown under free fall

    "Not-That-Bright" u r VERY BRIGHT ur simple explanation made perfect sense to me :)
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    Objects thrown under free fall

    but y ????
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    Objects thrown under free fall

    oh rite yeah S is displacement but when the one that is fired up falls bak down to level with the cliff should it have an initial velocity unike the other one that started with zero velocity at the same level ???? and therefore hit the ground faster as can be seen in v^2 = u^2 + 2as
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    Objects thrown under free fall

    shouldnt it be "b" ? because the one thrown up will accelerate at 9.8 for a greater distance than the one thrown down. The only other answer that makes sense is "a" BUT ONLY WHEN CONSIDERING THAT BOTH REACH TERMINAL VELOCITY. Hey Xiao in "V^2=U^2 + 2as" isnt the S different since the one...
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    What's on your Year 12 Jersey?

    My school is so gay that they wont let us put anything only our names on the front in like size 12 font.
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    Thats actually a good idea, using colour, i will give it a shot thanks for ur input :)
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    What is the most effective method(S) that u find to memorize the solubility table ?
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    Prefects/ captains etc

    At my school prefects are just a group of students that are there to help teachers and do all the shit jobs :(
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    A question on motion

    but is there any way for the object have zero speed and maintain it ????
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    A question on motion

    Can someone pls explain how "F)" is possible
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    "Lebo Thugs" Youtube Video

    KEBABS R SHIT !!!! if u think a kebab is gud then wait till u try a burrito just make sure it is an authentic mexican one not the mexican-chinese stores. I had a burrito every day when i was in Cali (lol im still working off all those calories but it was worth it).
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    "Lebo Thugs" Youtube Video

    What makes me mad is that these ppl call them selves gangstas. where they dnt know shit about real gangstas if they go down compton they will have the biggest shock of their lives as they will c ppl actually die cause of gang wars
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    A question on motion

    I would say all of the obove except "F" that is considering that the object was already moving in some sort of way.