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  1. B

    Electric and Magnetic feilds

    What u said is very true as this is the same mistake that i commonly make. I manage to kill the multiple choice but do horrible with long response. what i am thinking now is to write my own notes on these feilds to further understand them just for self confidence. thanks alot especially Xiao...
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    Electric and Magnetic feilds

    What u said is very true as this is the same mistake that i commonly make, i manage to kill the multiple choice but do horrible with long response. what i am thinking now is to write my own notes on these fields to further understand them just for self confidence. thanks alot especially Xiao...
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    New Honda Civic

    U cnt go wrong wif a Supra or Skyline
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    plz do my survey will take u 2 minutes!

    How old are you? 16 (17 on 31st jan) Male 1.How old were you when you had your first alcoholic drink? a baby (approx. 2) It was for the camera and my dad gave me a sip 1st proper drink 16 2. In a regular week how many alcoholic drinks would you have? Mon-0 Tues-0 Wed-0 Thus-0 Fri-0 Sat-0...
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    Ohm's Law

    If u want to understand why ohms law happens to work u are better of using anologys like this one: W= F*S F is force and S is displacement and W= work Voltage is the pushing power the more u push the more u work so u can say V =W now Force is like resistance because the more resistance the...
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    Electric and Magnetic feilds

    thanks again xiao for clearing that up for me but now i have a query on magnets from what i know a permanent magnet is caused by electron spin lining up what i would like to know is how does this property allow a magnet to pick up something like a paper clip which is not magnetic and just to add...
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    Electric and Magnetic feilds

    so is it an electric feild that makes a magnet attrack stuff when still e.g putting a iron object next to a magnet and leting it go and observeing movement of the iron object. if i move soming towards a magnets north pole(in a straight line) it experiences a force but i cnt c how it is...
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    Electric and Magnetic feilds

    Thanks Jyu that cleared most of my doubts but what I would also like to know is that are magnetic and electric fields independent of each other and more importantly: What is the difference between magnetic force and electric force? (In terms of nature and origin) Thanks in advance
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    Electric and Magnetic feilds

    Can someone please tell me the EXACT differance between electric and magnetic feilds ??? I have asked so many ppl and they cnt seem to explain it properly thanks,
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    Standard or Advanced ??

    hey guys in the 1st assessment block i came 1st in standard english and 4th in advanced. the reason why i dropped adv. in yr 11 was cause i hated the teacher but now there is a new teacher for the class so do u guys rekon i should crawl back lol. wat im basically asking is: is it betta to come...
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    Standard or Advanced ??

    Trebla u might be right ima start the same thread in the Standard forum and c wat they say, that way i can have both opions thanks for pointing that out
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    Standard or Advanced ??

    are you saying that other people in standard that dont do well will bring my mark down ?? also, although i can do the work will it be hard to score as selective students (e.g james ruse) will be doing advanced aswell ? and one last thing i must get of my chest is standard a 'capped' subject ...
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    4 unit = 2 units of work

    thanks guys u really got me motivated and yeah 5th does sound gud but its like outta 15 but still like slidey said "Worry about marks and rank won't help in any way, but trying harder will"
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    Standard or Advanced ??

    hey guys in the 1st assessment block i came 1st in standard english and 4th in advanced. the reason why i dropped adv. in yr 11 was cause i hated the teacher but now there is a new teacher for the class so do u guys rekon i should crawl back lol. wat im basically asking is: is it betta to come...
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    Chemistry Class of 2007: Roll Call

    Shipwrecks and Salvage --- i am gonna need some help from the BOS community as my teacher doesnt exactly teach the syllabus and same as Ronaldinho it is a bad class and i should top it
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    4 unit = 2 units of work

    Ive realised i have nothing to hide from the BOS community so yeah my mark is 55% :( and the highest was 62% and my rank was 5th. Will the board see this test as a hard test and scale my mark up if i do really well in the HSC ????
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    got a fetish?

    i like any chick aslong as they got a smoking body and a nice personality but personally i dnt like big tits. matter of fact i actually love tanned tight skin i dnt like white skin (im not racist) but its just i got a thing for tan (natural tan that is NOT FAKE)
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    4 unit = 2 units of work

    Thank you guys so much i am gonna take ianc's advice and not lose focus and by the way HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!
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    4 unit = 2 units of work

    i am currently doing 12 units inc. EX2 maths, i got a crappy EX1 mark so wat i want to know is - is it possible do really well in my other 8 units and EX2 maths and then as a result not have my EX1 mark count for my UAI (because i do 12 units) ???? p.s i got a crappy EXT1 mark not because i am...
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    Ext 2 maths - units question

    srry if this has already been answered in this thread but i got lost reading the whole thing. i am currently doing 12 units inc. EX2 maths, i got a crappy EX1 mark so wat i want to know is - is it possible do really well in my other 8 units and EX2 maths and then as a result not have my EX1...