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  1. imsooverskool

    minoan study day

    hehe gae callendar... my class nearly shit ourselves when we heard her name! ah the pleasures of immaturity!
  2. imsooverskool

    help: crime case examples for defences

    um you dont really need to have cases to back up defences that much because it is all written in ur textbook... believe me save urself the work coz if u do law @ uni like i am u totally wish that you could just regurgitate crap from a textbook and get 95% ;)
  3. imsooverskool


    ok i havent read the other posts about this but im goin to chuck my 2 cents in... the bulldogs shouldnt all be labelled with the same tag just because a couple of them ahem *coughs* willie mason r rapists, drugos and thugs! but... something needs to be done with the attitude of the club...
  4. imsooverskool

    Incubus @ Syd

    i wanted to go but didnt get tickets in time :( im still crying! did they play much old skool, like from science?
  5. imsooverskool


    best song that was like on the first ever skithouse was... "trees get chained to hippies" it is fucking hillarious
  6. imsooverskool

    Missy Elliot tour

    i love missy as well but it against every moral fibre in my being to pay that much to see one person, hell i complained about the prices of bdo tickets for weeks!
  7. imsooverskool

    Criminal Justice Issue...

    a really good one is double jeopardy... there is a case in qld where a guy who so obviously murdered this little girl got off becuase of lack of evidence but now through new forensic techniques their seems to be enough evidence to prove that the bastard did it. Only problem is that he cannot...
  8. imsooverskool

    exemplar responses?

    there is a thing called the standards package that is given to every teacher, ask your legal teacher 2 burn it for you
  9. imsooverskool

    Any good songs for "Telling The Truth"

    media by john butler trio is really good and ties in with the whole telling the truth, plus its a kick ass song :)
  10. imsooverskool

    Donnie Darko

    it is the best fucking movie, wen i rented it out i watched it like 5 times and still wasnt sick of it... its funny, scary, stimulating, thought provoking!!!! dude it has it all! i should buy the dvd CELLAR DOOR! it also makes me cry coz donnie shouldnt die, i dunno that movie really did...
  11. imsooverskool

    George bush ( the Joke that went too far )

    omg u insensitive prick, its not the soldiers or their families that decided to go and bomb iraq, u should have a littel compassion for them as well i know who should be dead... George bush wow is that going to constitute a threat 2 him... look out we have a terrorist on BOS
  12. imsooverskool

    What do u do when you're upset about your English mark?

    no i dont go 2 grammar but i know alot of people that did... im at anu and i have just moved to canberra
  13. imsooverskool

    Paradise Hotel

    that has got 2 be one of the worst shows on tv... and yet i am addicted how hot is beau, where r the guys like that in oz?
  14. imsooverskool

    sonic youth

    ooh how much r the tickets?????? sonicyouth, hoorah
  15. imsooverskool

    General Haig: Butcher or Misunderstood Man

    BUTCHER! im sorry but it just seemed to me that his insistence on sending his men over the top when it was clear that it was futile was simply him refusing to admit that his tactics were wrong- ie. he was an egomaniac
  16. imsooverskool

    The Best King Lear Adaptation

    whoah sportsgal how shit was the bondi one i was laughing at it the best film in my opinion is the marxist production by grigori kosinstev (spelling) i also did the eyre film but i didnt really like the familial reading basically you need to pick a film that links in with the type of...
  17. imsooverskool

    What do u do when you're upset about your English mark?

    first you can run them over in the carpark... if that is too drastic, you first go 2 the marker and ask them to remark it and also ask them to explain to you why you got the mark that you did. If you are still unhappy you can take it 2 the eng head teach but they are pretty scary so i would...
  18. imsooverskool

    Utterly Urgent! Need "Techniques In Poetry"

    metaphores, similies, assonance, alliteration, allusion whoah this takes me back 2 the horror of hsc english... so glad im at uni
  19. imsooverskool

    Band 6

    ok 04er im going to try and help u here... go to one of ur teachers and ask them 2 burn the standards package for you then you will have all the band 5/6 and exemplar answers that u need, for all ur subjects! failing that go 2 the home page of this website and go 2 the advanced english page...
  20. imsooverskool

    what does in the wild mean

    also dont forget human nature itself