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  1. imsooverskool

    Big Day Out Discussion Thread

    the chem's are good for what they are, plus it was good to dance around like a fuckhead after a long hot day of moshing my ass off :uhhuh:
  2. imsooverskool

    Problems with dorm offers anyone?

    im not sure if they are still using it but people were put into the Rex hotel, otherwise known to those that have stayed there as rex hell! i just hope for ur sake that u dont end up there
  3. imsooverskool

    Does God Exist?

    ok i have to put in my 5 cents even though i what i am about to say has probabaly already been said 50 times! ok here goes... God doesnt exist simply because the bible is just an ancient book full of insidious lies that constantly contradicts itself. One of the biggest contradictions of...
  4. imsooverskool


    u shud hope for your own sake though that they sound better then what they did during the BDO, they sounded pretty shocking- however their set was absolutely brutal! u will have a great time!
  5. imsooverskool

    Hottest 100

    amen to that... fucking hate jet! thats all i have to say!
  6. imsooverskool

    Big Day Out Discussion Thread

    didnt see the spree, missed it because i was wondering around looking for mates (seriously some people are incapable of following directions!) The Hives were suprisingly awesome, couldnt understand a word that Pellet said but i loved every minute of it the beasties, didnt like it- maybe it...
  7. imsooverskool

    Big Day Out Discussion Thread

    the sound of slipknot was shit but the show was awesome, im not a huge fan but i did enjoy their show! cmon u have to admit that SOAD went off, that was my highlight of the day all i gotta say and this is without any doubt, the beastie boys set was the biggest crock of shit that i have ever...
  8. imsooverskool

    Problems with dorm offers anyone?

    the reason why all you guys are being screwed over is because ANU is the most disorganised uni on the face of the planet! Last year they tried to initiate the rule that all first years would be gurranteed a place in a hall or college and not some shitty, overly priced hell hole of a motel that...
  9. imsooverskool


    im not a huge fan but i respect what she does. It's refreshing to hear an artist that is different, original and is constantly evolving. Having said that, i cant say that i have evr bought one of her albums
  10. imsooverskool

    relaxing, soulful voices

    he's not my fav but i find jack jonhson's voice and music relaxing. I also like chris martin's, thom york (radiohead),oh and luther vandros' voice is amazing... i will also second demosthenes choice of jeff buckley as a good one as well
  11. imsooverskool

    The Stop Ashlee Simpson Petition

    as im a chick, watching lindsay slut around in a nightclub isnt all that appealing to me :D but hey whatever floats your boat nope hillary has gotta go as well!
  12. imsooverskool

    The Stop Ashlee Simpson Petition

    sorry... she has go!!!!!
  13. imsooverskool

    The Stop Ashlee Simpson Petition

    had to sign the damn thing... man i hate that bitch! i was wondering if the petition can somehow be changed to also ban other "cool, famous and hot" people like paris, lindsay lohan (who should just get over the fact that she has big tits) and hillary duff etc... who make me want me to stabmy...
  14. imsooverskool

    The Donnas

    i knew that but their stage names are all donna! lol, dont worry i think stupid things like that as well! cant wait to see them at the BDO though, it will be a change to see a band full of chicks strutting their stuff on the main stage
  15. imsooverskool

    Food at ANU Halls

    take it from someone who lived at bruce for a year... the food is shite and extremely inedible after a couple of months, unfortunately for your diet ronald mcdonald becomes your new best friend
  16. imsooverskool

    Law at uni?

    yeh i did, i kno its hard to believe... i was a sad child :confused:
  17. imsooverskool

    Is canberra a hole????

    yeh there are clubs and they are OK. Like clubbing newhere it depends on the friends u go out with not the place u go. In civic (where most of the clubs are) there are a few good clubs... but if u want 2 compare clubbing with syd or melb then your going to be in trouble, coz even though the...
  18. imsooverskool

    Law at uni?

    i know this has already been said, but seriously guys, law at uni is ABSOLUTELY AND COMPLETELY different to legal studies. i loved legal and it inspired me to do law, then i got here and im not sure that i want to be doing it anymore because it is totally not what i expected. In the majority of...
  19. imsooverskool

    Gwen Harwood

    i gotta defend poor old gwenie here... i thought her poems were lame when i studied them last year as well but you got to remember that our interpretations of the poems are probably a little different to what harwood intended. i mean im sure when she wrote these she wasnt thinking 'hmm i wonder...
  20. imsooverskool

    How can anyone finish the English 2 paper!?

    i have 2 dissagree with you! i wrote all of my eng essays and memorised them before the exam and had every paragraph memorised, all i had to do was mould the intro, topic sentences anc conclusion to the question and bingo i got myself a band 6. U cannot go into a 2hr eng exam and create the...