Search results

  1. imsooverskool

    Overrated Artists and Bands

    U2 Seriously, they are the single most overrated band in the world. bono is a twat. That is all.
  2. imsooverskool

    Little car for less than $12000

    I really like the Fiesta as well, but unfortunately it is out of my price range. The average price is around $16,00 for an 03 model and i just don't have that type of moolah- meh the search continues
  3. imsooverskool

    Abortion debate

    What the hell does the bolded sentence mean? If you are trying to win an intellectual war with me, please try to construct sentences with a semblance of coherence. I know i went a little far with the wishing you aborted comment, but what you said was an all encompassing statement that alluded...
  4. imsooverskool

    Homosexuality in Australia

    obviously, only the best ressies of Bruce get the shittiest rooms! :rolleyes: lol, dog boxes arent that bad
  5. imsooverskool

    Abortion debate

    Hmm, i should really just ignore this comment becuase trolls like you enjoy the attention. But i really can't resist Why don't you just fuck off and die, it really is a shame that your slut of a mother didn't abort you, because you truly are a shining example why abortion should be legal...
  6. imsooverskool

    Homosexuality in Australia

    Ok now i get your reference. Just because you lived in the dogbox does not mean you are Malaysia's Singapore, it just makes you left out in the cold :)
  7. imsooverskool

    Abortion debate

    Neo, it is pretty clear from your post and the views in it that you are casting moral judgement on women so don't give me the "take what you want from what i say" because it is crystal clear what your opinion is. As a male you are more than capable to both comment on a topic such as abortion...
  8. imsooverskool

    Abortion debate

    Are you alluding to my given example as being improbable????? This exact situation happened to a very close friend of mine when i was in grade 10- are you telling me that she should have given birth to the child that was created out of such violence? No fucking way should a woman have to put...
  9. imsooverskool

    Oral, does it constitute real sex?

    Glad all you guys are with me on this one. Oral is just oral, it so isnt sex when there is no penetration. I posed the question because my bestie's bf whom she was on a break with told her that he got a blow job off his ex and according to him it wasnt sex. I think in this situation, oral could...
  10. imsooverskool

    Abortion debate

    For sure jesscookie, when people (especially females) have such a fucked up way of thinking i really feel like punching them in the face. Unfortunately, the internet hasn't developed a technology that allows me to physically assault someone over a phone line, but who knows maybe one day such a...
  11. imsooverskool

    Homosexuality in Australia

    lol, neo wtf?????!?!?!?!?!?! Was it Bruce Hall that turned you into such an incoherent ranting lunatic weirdo or maybe it was the fact that you lived in South?
  12. imsooverskool

    Abortion debate

    Could you be any more of a fucktard, i mean really, fuckwits like you are the ones who keep mysoginists like Abbot in office. I'm only going to say this once; NO ONE HAS A THE RIGHT TO DICTATE WHAT A WOMAN OR A MAN CHOOSES TO DO WITH THEIR BODIES, ESPECIALLY NOT THE GOVERNMENT...
  13. imsooverskool

    What's your fav. drink?

    Normal: Coke or choc milk Grog: Tequila Sunrise, Midori with vodka with malibu with sprite (try it, its tha shiznit), boags, corona and the good ol carlton cold Hot: Caramella Macchiato from starbuks, that be some good shit
  14. imsooverskool

    If you used to be a fan of the Babysitters Club

    Omg, the memories. I grew up with these books. Have to say that Dawn was my fave, she was so laid back and cool. I didn't like Kristy at first, but she grows on you, kinda like a bossy tumour
  15. imsooverskool

    Homosexuality in Australia

    I have not read this thread, nor do i care to. All i have to say on the matter, is that people need to stop judging everyone by lables, rather judge someone on the merits of their character. The Church has no right to cast judgements on people when its own policies and actions are...
  16. imsooverskool

    Little car for less than $12000

    yeah the Barina's are hot looking but from what i heard they are shit boxes. I would stick with my excel, but you know it is time to move on- argh i hate not knowing anything about cars, it makes life difficult
  17. imsooverskool


    U2 blows goats. kthnxby
  18. imsooverskool

    The Official Big Day Out 2006 Thread (stickied?)

    Sir, i'm not a scalper so i have no need to wait until two weeks before BDO to sell it becuase i sold it to a mate at the sale price, i have no need to be like those cunts on ebay who's asking price for any decent tickets is similar to the worth of your soul. Yours sincerely, MISS...
  19. imsooverskool

    Little car for less than $12000

    Thanks for the advice guys. Petar- yeh i have scoured carsales and i just wanted opinions from people who know shit about cars, because i have no idea. Btw, i literally shuddered at the suggestion of a lancer, lol!
  20. imsooverskool

    The Official Big Day Out 2006 Thread (stickied?)

    Is it definite that Rollins is the replacement for AFI? If it is, than that is seriously fucked up. How could they replace a MUSICAL act (albeit shit musical act) with a spoken word performer. And i thought the line up could'nt get any worse. Oh well, i have already sold my syd ticket and will...