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  1. D


    stop trying to suck up to jasee man hes not gonna giv u extra marks if your in his tute lol
  2. D


    SashaTheMan... trying to pick up jasee aye lol bad luck :P LOL LOL
  3. D

    Applied Science (sport studies)

    shane is dat girl masturbating in ure avatar lol
  4. D


    is Jasee realli a tutor now???? fark! how much do you get paid power ranger guy ???@!?!?!?
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    public transport 2 kurungai

    and elle how long did it take u to get to uni?
  6. D

    how do u format a computer if u have windows XP ??

    how do you format a computer if you have windows xp ????
  7. D

    dumb things you've done on L's

    i ran a red light by accident yesterday lol fuck and der was a camera too !!! i dunno if it snapped me or not bcoz going straight was still green but u just couldnt turn right but i was waiting in the middle of the intersection until the opposite lane was clear of cars.. dis was late in...
  8. D

    does UTS use webCT??

    do they use webCT ?? or is there something else that is an equivalent to it..?
  9. D

    uts enrollment day

    das why u go kuringgai mate park for freee :)
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    what are the odds ?? do I have a chance ??

    did u put B SCience in IT at uts too?
  11. D

    UWS to UTS Accounting

    in order to get exempt from 22107 Accounting for Business at UTS you would need to have done the following 3 at UWS: - Accounting Reports and Decisions - Financial Accounting Applications - Management Accounting Fundamentals that realli sux.. means 3 subjects at uws is taught in just...
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    uts enrollment day

    when dey delete the duplicates they should at least leave one
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    dumb things you've done on L's

    hehehehe looks like he pushed accelerator too hard den LOL dont u haf insurance on ure car?
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    dumb things you've done on L's

    your brother is a blind cunt how can u hit a tree its soo big lol
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    dumb things you've done on L's

    whos car did he use??? lol was the car all dented in at the back?? LOL LOL
  16. D

    Prince of Persia

    i remembver dis game played it 2 years ago
  17. D

    dumb things you've done on L's

    i feel sorry for you ranger stacey.. ure mom nearly killed u for over taking a car... hahahah everyone overtakes u must have been abused bad aye if u get in trouble for little things like dat :p
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    dumb things you've done on L's

    hahaha i feel sorry for you L platers coz yous get tail gated heaps !!! lol
  19. D

    dumb things you've done on L's

    ive never done n e thing stoopid bcoz im the best driver in the world peace^^
  20. D

    uts enrollment day

    haha powerranger dude knows everything about this uni.. dame