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  1. S

    Somthing interesting for Laz..

    okay i was playing around with Ozseek and Lazseeker... and i can tell u there is a considerable differnce in the estimates.. my subjects are Eco Business ST Gen Maths IPT Adv English When i put 60.. Lazseek 40.80 Ozseek 59.65 When i put them all as 70 for Lazk i got...
  2. S

    So how'd everyone go ?!?!

    your kidding right htat still happens? if it does that makes me feel so much better...:D
  3. S

    So how'd everyone go ?!?!

    with the calculating the size of the image my teacher said if u left it in a fraction ud get full marks as long as u worked out hte bit depth right and subsitiuted into the formula correctly
  4. S

    Some tricky multiple choice questions...

    i cant understand how u got 500 for 11 and 12 for 11, 500 was the fixed cost.... i figure it would be 1000? for 12 i haven o idea can someone expain this to me question 13 was defintly c
  5. S

    question books

    put it under your shirt... and tuck your shirt is proberly your best bet... and slide it out when no ones looking in teh exam... people find ways if there desperate enough
  6. S

    Damn lincolns speech!!!

    yeah i spent forever studying context.... and rhetoric teckniqes... didnt really help i mean the techniqes didnt go astray but the context was a no show...
  7. S

    question books

    its ovious they dont want u to take the writting booklets so you dont write cheat notes in it sneak it to the next exam....
  8. S

    BR/BNW Context

    yep that was what your ment to speak about...
  9. S

    Damn lincolns speech!!!

    i did speeches and i abosulty failed it... i did martin luther king and lincoln i did a black and a white aggreeing that like speech but for difernt types of things... very stupid idea but i had 15 minutes and it was all i could think off
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    Powerplay qn

    confused me a little so i ended up writing a essay on the personalities...:mad:
  11. S

    Conversation - Names

    Kobe and Allen
  12. S

    Section III

    i can honestly sayyy i failed that... i didnt have time to do the ciccda poem section and the cartoonist ... thats whaty u get when u start from back to front.. AND I FORGOT TO WRITE an end bit for the letter.. like Yours Sincerly John Smith... I DIDNT DO THAT>>> i so...
  13. S

    Does anyone have a really crappy HSC Time table...?

    yeah i have the same as u with the english business and IPT... but atleast u finsh in the 3rd week where as i have to stay in limbo for an extra week till eco comes...
  14. S

    Does anyone have a really crappy HSC Time table...?

    I have 4 exams in the first week 1 in the secound then i have 2 weeks then have 1 more exam i think i have hte worst timetable:mad:
  15. S

    Question For Laz

    I was playing with lazseeker and noticed that all the subjects had minimum scores... my question is using Advanced english for example the minimum score is 72.8 does that mean if you get under that score your mark when calculating your UAI will automatically be that just for doing the...
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    Sports Degrees

    Sports and Exercise Management at UTS is my first prefernce its all I want to do really.
  17. S

    Ipt Trial

    your not allowed to do a section u havnt studied in class are you??? my teacher gave everyone a ZERO who attempted a section we didnt study?? is it differnt at your school I did AMS to it sucked
  18. S

    catholic trials results

    I got mine backk 16/20 Section 1 34/40 Section 2 (bloody pissyy its gone in for remarking lol should be about 38) Section 3 15/20 Section 4 16/20 85% came 3rd not to bad keeps my 3rd place ranking
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    OHHH MY GOD my teacher is obsessed with him I asked him the question once... IF ross gittans is so good why doesnt he run teh economy? it was treated as blasphamy
  20. S

    Where can i get answers to last years HSC English paper

    aahhhh damnnn i need it before monday so its not on the Borad of studies site is it?