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  1. S

    Just woundering??? UAI

    by the way sorry if iam being padantic iam just very curious
  2. S

    Just woundering??? UAI

    okay ummm well ill addd in an extra section then lol Say: IPT- The person came first and the average exam mark is umm 42% Eco- Person came secound average exam mark is about 60% English Advanced- Person 4th Average mark is say 71% Business person came 3rd average mark about 39%...
  3. S

    Just woundering??? UAI

    I have a question just basing this as an example if some one were to get say: For internal assesments say: Eco-77% General Maths-69% English Advanced-73% Business Studies-72% IPT-93% and for there HSC exams got Eco-87% Maths-89% English-83% Business-93%...
  4. S

    Catholic Trial

    ummm I think I went okay the BNW/BR question was a little werid it felt like it had 10 parts to it. Somtimes i felt like wasnt even answering the question. Speeches Question was the best far very easy I was happy with it. What character did you guys chose for power play and caesar...