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  1. B

    Week 9!!

    yes its so fun picking on the new yr 12's muwhahaha :p seriously you guys are stressed now? id hate to see you before trials :(
  2. B

    The future

    Political advisor for the Labor party, whip those twits into shape *cracks whip* or working for the DPP :)
  3. B

    The countdown

    im so scared :( so very scared :( i think i may have a heart attack waiting for my results to finally download on the day.
  4. B

    Your first EVER crush?

    First crush was in yr 4 his name was Adam.
  5. B

    Roll Call

    if i get in, im there! :D
  6. B

    It's a long, hard wait........

    hahaha so true and then after results come out, you have to wait another damn month before we find out if we got into the course we wanted. Bah!
  7. B

    da vinci code

    i got that for my birthday. must start reading. The da vinci code is fantastic, Angles and demons is pretty good too. Brown must have done a ton of research, Does anyone know how long it took him to write?
  8. B

    What are you currently Reading?

    Darkfall by Issobelle Carmody. Its not bad, though the sequel looks damn long.
  9. B

    How to F...ken to study ENGLISH?

    First you make notes: Get a couple of study guides for each module and thematically organise your arguments. Then link your arguments to the prescribed texts and use literary techniques to support your statements. Second you practice: adapt your notes to essay and non essay questions. So do...
  10. B

    UAI estimate...i'll rep you if you give me one!

    School PLC (Presbyterian) rank 21st in State :D 50% of students get over 90 Subject.......... Overall Rank ............ Overall Mark Chemistry .........................5/20 ............... 79/100 English (advanced)...........20/98 ............. 80/100 English Extension 1..........32/55...
  11. B

    ANU Advisory Session [Sydney] 21st December

    me me me im going, well hopefully, it depends on my UAI. If its good i'll come, if its bad i'll stay home and sulk. :p
  12. B

    HSC: What's going to be your WORST SUBJECT????

    physics :( i hope i dont fail
  13. B

    Arts/Laws at ANU

    Yeah keep the cutoff low! dont put it as your first pref
  14. B

    UAI estimate... my last one

    School PLC (presbyterian) Sydney---Rank 21st in the state 50% of students over 90. Ive included the % of students from last year in band 5/6 Subject Mark Rank English Extension 2 Task 1 15/15...
  15. B

    my UAI prediction to. please

    you can get 90+ pull up english, you can still improve, do 10000000000000000 essays and non essay responses and get your teacher to mark them.
  16. B

    Looking forward to voting....

    Well, i would be looking forward to it, BUT i only turn 18 on the 14th of November :(
  17. B

    Possible UAI?

    You will belt 93 with those ranks and marks. It looks like you'll be getting around 95
  18. B

    (Another) UAI Estimation Please!

    If you dont think that Tommy knows anything, then dont bother asking for an estimate, jerk.
  19. B

    OMG, Guess What!

    Seeing as your close to average in all of your classes low 99's