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    just a quick scaling question..

    In our recent chem assessment NO ONE got below a mark of 12/15 and there are 22 people in the course. While this is great, does it mean that if we perform badly in the external exams that the entire class gets dragged down in terms of our moderated assessment mark???:confused:
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    Need advice about dropping a subject

    well in my opinion you should drop it and concentrate on your other subjects
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    units concern

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    non fiction texts for I&S

    i need them for an assessment, but thanks guys.
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    non fiction texts for I&S

    Does anyone have any recommended NON fiction texts that i could use for individual and Society??? i need around two...
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    Bio vs Physics vs Chem....

    I would do physics and chem if i were you as your good at maths and they have better scaling than bio. Physics takes more time for me then Chemistry but the workload in my opinon for both is just about the same
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    Child-Free Zone

    SKA, you are very
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    Its nearly time..

    It took me about a week to do both Chem and Physics summaries for module one. but i still have to read ten additional texts for Advanced english and complete my log book which is around 25% of my final assessment mark and thats due second day back. :(
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    2004 target UAI

    Whatever i need to get me into med @UNSW so probably 99+
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    fundings on uni compare to private schools

    ArgueEverything, i totally agree, well said.
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    The Political Spectrum..

    yup same as you, well similar Economic Left/Right: -3.75 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.97 Left Libertarian
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    What medium are the '04's using?

    A critical response.... though i think my idea has been done to death by people who are smarter and better looking than i am *cries*
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    what's my school ranked?

    OMG we came 21st WOOOT!!!!!!
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    Forensic Science?

    Theres a undergrad Forensic Science degree at UTS i think the UAI needed is about 93.
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    The highest UAI cutoff

    yeah i agree Shragga...bloody hell i wanted to do law!
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    Latham or Howard?

    the economy is only strong because Costello is treasurer, its got nothing to do with the leadership of low-life John Howard.... Go Latham!!!!
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    does anyone here go to plc sydney??

    YES! i go to PLC Sydney..."Prostitues Last Chance" i believe that refers to Pymble Ladies College...hehehehhe..nah im just kidding
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    UAI prediction .... p l e a s e

    i disagree, you've got really good ranks esp for math, id say around 97 What school do you go to??