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  1. malayz_angel

    How much can I get penalised?

    For the King Lear question, I was tired and misinterpreted it...instead of writing a one-person argument for OR against, I made it a two person argument, one arguing for AND the other one arguing against. I'm really stressing about this now...does anyone know what would happen to my answer in...
  2. malayz_angel

    the HTA prize thing

    Not unless you'd *cough cough* left everything until the last minute and skipped a coupla periods to research and type on the date of your deadline...
  3. malayz_angel

    what are the chances of one on the persian society essays being on..............

    I think you mean significant Jase...and you do know that we're doing Persia as a Historical Period, not as the Society, right?
  4. malayz_angel

    after ancient exam

    My school is pretty cheap when it comes to we're all required to return our sheets :D
  5. malayz_angel

    Is anyone doing anything besides The Door or Sky High?

    Yeah probably 'The Door' and 'Sky High' for me too...Changing Self!
  6. malayz_angel


    Yeah I do modern too and they always like quotes here and there...
  7. malayz_angel

    Evil Ancient History Teachers! (click here to join support group)

    *sigh* my ancient teacher is heaps passionate about the subject too actually....and I like the subject fine.....its just when she and the subject combine.....i dont noe how to explain this properly...
  8. malayz_angel


    I went to Gae Callender's my skool was the one sitting at the back struggling to open the door...we finally managed to open it and sneak out when there was only about ten minutes left to go. We didn't even know who she was at the time, it was only later when we were telling our...
  9. malayz_angel

    how did everyone go in their trials?

    Don't ask or complain arls, just be grateful :)
  10. malayz_angel

    A question on Journals

    I couldn't put dates on mine was bad enough fudging the actual entries! If I had to come up with imaginary dates to match those entries, I would have been lost.
  11. malayz_angel

    is economics the easiest subject?

    I disagree. Personally I think I have a very English/humanities oriented mind. Just look at my profile at my subjects and you'll see what I mean. However I would have to agree with Harimau, it takes a maths mind to see economics as easy! I can write good essays if I know what I'm going on...
  12. malayz_angel

    Not studying ecos till after my modernhistory exam!

    I have eco on the same day as history extension :( But I don't think that's going to motivate me to study for eco any earlier. I also have from the English Ext exam on the 7th until the 12th (eco and history ext) like TastesGoodBut, however, I haven't even begun making plans for studying.
  13. malayz_angel

    What topics are u doing for the project?

    Yes that made sense and I think you're right...I don't know much about what people say about Atlantis..but it seems to be generally speculation. And it would definitely be boring with all the answers! Like a maths test where u had the...oops, bad analogy. Let's just say I understand and leave it...
  14. malayz_angel

    how did everyone go in their trials?

    Lol...I'm so hoping that's what my school did with most of our trials!
  15. malayz_angel

    How does Ancient tend to be scaled?

    Lol...does that mean I should start studyin properly?
  16. malayz_angel

    Who's bored off their nut studying? what crazy stuff has HSC made you do?

    Yeah...actually I'm doing that too! I stopped with the piano after I passed eighth grade last May and then all of a sudden I've gone back to it! I've found that classical music can be a great stress reliever (except I get the occasional stress flashback when I remember how many times I had to...
  17. malayz_angel

    Knowing ALL Gwen arwood Poems?

    I don't fully know them well yet...but I'm slightly familiar with all of them and more confident on about three.
  18. malayz_angel

    A question on Journals

    I had an A4 book with unlined pages...I made a beautiful front cover..pasting words in a collage style that had to do with my story...and then inside its a jumble of unorganised scribbles and pages.
  19. malayz_angel

    How does Ancient tend to be scaled?

    Hehe we have a similar situation only I am coming first so I think its resting on me :(