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    Contest by Matthew Reilly (Matthew Reilly thread)

    Movie rights? OOOH hope it comes out soon :D
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    Fave author?

    Diana Wynne Jones, Gillian Rubenstein or Matthew Reiley =)
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    Bachelor of Accounting

    Lol =.= It would have been good if someone hadn't quoted the number already =( Buildings not that bad from the inside, especially the view, numerous couches and facilities available. And yeah they're heated :D
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    Bachelor of Accounting

    Haha nah, Steve's an awesome guy, always going out of his way to help people in need =) It's people like him that makes BaCC so much better than *cough* unsw. esides, h's China and i'm SARS (HK) so he's my azzie bro =) *pleads to steve* Pleaaaase take my mobile off lol i'm getting strange...
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    Bachelor of Accounting

    Lol... =.= The least u could have done was put a WRONG mobile number up -.- I've been getting reaaallly strange calls x.x Regarding hints, nah dw about it, you won't make the course anyway, just don't bother coming ;) For all those lonely girls out there, call Steve for a good time :D Hot...
  6. 2

    Is History ext hard?

    Hahaha yeah i remember forging the log, that was painful and entertaining at the same time. Most of the time i just kept printing random pages off the net and stuffing it into the log as sources used :P Mmm, that night before it was due i think i pulled an all-nighter x.x
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    Toughest Movie Lines

    "You can't handle the Truth!" (A Few Good Men)- Jack Nicholson
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    Judge sues cleaner for US$54 million

    This case will be thrown out the window. If it doesn't, i smell foul play. In fact, that judge should be sent to jail for wasting so much of taxpayers money. It could have gone to making more bombs, for example.
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    Studies of religion

    If your school allows it, sure you're free to drop any units you like except 2 unit english. Just make sure you have at least 10 units for HSC though.
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    Scaling/moderation for different texts?

    I guess people think Pomo is harder to understand because we are being told to think against something we've always thought as the status norm, and its just a harder concept to grasp quickly thats all. The retreat from the global, yes you have to understand a lot of theories as well, but its...
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    Scaling/moderation for different texts?

    Hahaha yeah, pomo's a biatch.
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    Scaling/moderation for different texts?

    Not sure if its true, but some say scaling is based on the number of people doing that particular module. So if there was a significant difference in average marks between different modules, maybe there could be some tweaking involved *shrug*
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    is he manipulating me?

    Well maybe just confront him and ask then, its always little things that can unravel to major catastrophes =(
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    Bachelor of Accounting

    Haha Laama? Oops,! Yes the nappies would come in handy, i'll at least get a good night's sleep for once...=( P.S GET OFF BOS AND START STUDYING FOR BSTATS! ;)
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    Is History ext hard?

    Normanhurst Boy's High (Public :D) I don't think so, for our school in a class of 20, 6 got top band (E4), and most others in E3. Its very heavy content going for the sections because of all the various historians you have to read up and analyse on. And yes, i agree with Triangulum...
  16. 2

    Are there too many white people at uni these days?

    Depends. Its Chinatown in UNSW.
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    Is History ext hard?

    Yeah seriously go for it, its worthwhile. And just regarding to the person who got the 100% in Ancient... just because you do well in like Ancient or Modern doesn't mean it'll be the same for Extension, they both involve different thinking and approaches to success. You might strike lucky and...
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    King Lear

    Probably to do with the 'subjectivity' involved in history, how it can never give one particular portrait due to the multiple interpretations involved = Classic Postmodernism.
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    Essays, how do u express ur opinion

    Essays still have to stick to the formal structure, but its necessary (and quite valid) at the introduction and conclusion to give your own answer (ie. "I agree to an extent.... i disagree... etc") involving first person language. But for the rest, such as the analysis, you must stick to...
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    Distribution channel help

    Haha studying it right now :o I would presume the wholesaler would take it to any business they can (unless they're a limited-service wholesaler specialising, then they might be able to choose).