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  1. D

    the OC

    i thought he looked like a younger version of simon baker from the guardian
  2. D

    Year 12 PiCS

    youre eitheir wearing a pink jacket and a white scarf, or the one wearing a red scarf, or the one fifth from the left second row
  3. D

    Stupidest things fellow students have said

    i was talking to person i just met at uni, i was telling this person i was orthodox christian and on top of that i was wearing my cross which was hanging out. after i finished talking this person asks 'so are you a muslim?' :o
  4. D

    exam time again...

    ive never been to a tuesday or thursday night :o mainly because i turned 18 recently and didnt bring propler doccuments to get my id done at wagga....but next semester ...
  5. D

    pharmers club?

    hah well we'll see, im sure mass production food is satisfying :rolleyes:
  6. D

    is it TOO LATE to start studyin....

    i agree, cramming in year 12 was much more fun than cramming for uni exams.... we only get one semester to learn a big fat textbook :eek: and that time frame is not enough, and even then 90% of us leave it to the last minute
  7. D

    pharmers club?

    it aint dark and dingy! butlers looks dark.. besides, its the people that make your experience worth while ;)
  8. D

    pharmers club?

    hah...everyone i spoke to have been warning me of butlers, i applied to south campus, looks like i might be getting a room there (fingers crossed) i have several friends living there, ive seen the rooms, they are HUGE... :)
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    exam time again...

    im so glad its all over... im back home now, 7 weeks worth of going out to catch up on :D
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    pharmers club?

    shes at domans behind the tav! im applying for on campus accom. :)
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    pharmers club?

    i reckon you two will eventually get back together.... eventually :D
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    exam time again...

    yeah a few friends of mine came out of med micro not so sure they did well...
  13. D

    exam time again...

    oh it doesnt look too good for me :( i just want to pass.... i'l be over the moon
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    exam time again...

    good luck everyone!! chemistry today... :eek:
  15. D

    exam time again...

    i got 70% overal....not happy, i stuffed up one of the quizzes really really badly cos i left it to 5 minutes befoore it was due :rolleyes: how did you go in the prac exam?! i killed it!! except for exeriment three, i ran out of time...
  16. D

    exam time again...

    chem on in less than two weeks!!! :eek: i am so scared.... breathe...breathe out
  17. D

    pharmers club?

    no no, she dumped him first!! anyways theyre not talking now, hes always getting pissed off at her. oh crazybrad, i think i saw u at the chem lecture last monday! were you wearing a grey jumper, denims and a orange bag?! (im not a stalker, really :p )
  18. D

    pharmers club?

    is this the don that got dumped by katrina!?
  19. D

    pharmers club?

    ur not the only one!
  20. D

    pharmers club?

    hah i think i know donlad :confused: