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  1. K

    UOW fucked up timetable...

    i planned to attend a lecture at that time and the only other time it is on is on wednesday night (when i work) and a day i didnt plan to go to uni
  2. K

    UOW fucked up timetable...

    Ok i log onto sols in the morning and see that commerce enrollment has been changed to 9am... thats fine. now i log on again and see that the llb100 lecture has changed times to 1:30 monday... check to see if i can move the lecture which i was gonna do at that time... and realsie the only...
  3. K


    its not only first year students registering. like my mate who is 4th year law registered on sunday aswell.
  4. K

    Is there any point sometimes?

    wat skool u at in wollongong
  5. K

    Stuck On You

    wasnt that bad
  6. K

    Whos up doing law enrolment?

    Have to say I am pretty pissed off it took over half an hour considering I have ADSL and live locally... if i miss my times for commerce i will be fucking pissed off... to say the least
  7. K

    Whos up doing law enrolment?

    I have LLB100 Sem 2 9:30-1:30 (Tues) LLB110 Sem 1 10:30-12:30 (Mon)
  8. K

    Whos up doing law enrolment?

    got llb110 sem 1
  9. K

    Whos up doing law enrolment?

    locked on confirm page for the second time ffs
  10. K

    Whos up doing law enrolment?

    wont fucking load
  11. K

    Anyone seen Ken Park?

    yeh ive seen it
  12. K

    HSC mentors

    Using a tutor is not bludging or cheating... its not like they do your exams for you
  13. K

    What's your timetable like????

    If it all goes to plan (i choose on sunday/tuesday) Monday: 10.30-7.30 Tuesday: 3.30-9.30 Wednesday: 9.30-12.30 Thursday: 3.30-7.30 I could do it all in 3 days (mon, tues, thurs) but i work till like 2am wednesday so i cant handle a 9.30-3.30 thursday :(:(
  14. K


    But if i rock up and its full, then that totally fucks my timetable up... :(
  15. K


    I know when we sign up for tut's, labs etc etc... but when/how do we register for a lecture???
  16. K

    bored! someone msg back whoz going to the gong!

    Wow, everyone plz bow down to Ms 12 aka Ms Superior. Loosen up u tight bitch :)
  17. K

    choosing tutorials?????

    Its the amount of hours You have to wait to register your timetable... you do it online at a certain date (i think the 18th).
  18. K

    I Give Up!!!

    Give up, seriously... I was shit at English essays so i put in minimal effort (and hour or two prep for each assessment task)... I failed/just passed every essay in the half yearly/yearly, but full marks for the short section. For the HSC i did do a few days study cos it was first exam...
  19. K

    ur class

    We had a very close class... only 4 students... so we could easily laugh, debate, and discuss :)